One day awareness camp highlighting Bharat Nirman Programme - TopicsExpress


One day awareness camp highlighting Bharat Nirman Programme organised ANANTNAG, SEPTEMBER 20: Progress achieved under various flagship programmes under central sponsored schemes of Bharat Nirman Programme was highlighted during one day long awareness camp held at Kokernag here today. The awareness camp was organized by Radio Kashmir Srinagar in collaboration with Kokernag Development Authority. District Development Commissioner Anantnag, Dr. Farooq Ahmad Lone was the chief guest while Deputy Director General News, Mr. Bashir Ahmad Malik was the guest of honor on the occasion. Inaugurating the camp the DDC Anantnag presented an overall view of the achievements made under various flagship programmes of Bharat Nirman and their implementation on Ground Level. The concerned officers including ACD Anantnag, CMO Anantnag, Executive Engineer PMGSY and other officers informed about the targets and achievements made in the District under various central sponsored schemes like MG NREGA, NRHM,SSA, RAMSA, PMGSY, RGGVY and NBA. Highlighting the achievements registered in the district, it was informed that under MG NREGA against an availability of 18.72 Crores an expenditure of Rs.11.50 crores were utilized for the completion of 1483 works, 71000 job cards were issued and 3.75 lakh mandays generated during current fiscal. Under Nirmal Bharat Abyaan (ABN) 60 panchayat halqas have been taken up and 4000 individual house hold latrines have been completed and work on new 4000 units are under constructions. Under RMSA 43 Middle schools have been upgraded and the construction work of new High school Buildings is being taken up by R&B Department. Seven new High Schools Buildings have been completed and are at truss level, four High School Buildings at brick work, sixteen at plinth level and four at lintel level. Similarly under SSA scheme out of 1852 schools only 251 are in rented buildings and 737 school buildings have been constructed in the District besides 1902 additional classrooms have been constructed. The enrolment in the schools has reached upto 117650 and Mid-day meals are being served to 91195 students. Similarly under PMGSY 170 road projects were taken up out of which 106 have been completed and work on 50 projects is under progress. Against a targeted road length of 486 Kms, 303 Kms have been completed and 100 Kms road length has also been macadamized in the District. Out of the estimated cost of Rs. 225.68 crore for the road projects, an expenditure of Rs.137.21 crore has been made and 107 habitations were covered under PMGSY scheme. The District officers and Engineers from the line departments media personalities of Prassar Bharti Kashmir Division were also present on the occasion.
Posted on: Fri, 20 Sep 2013 16:02:06 +0000

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