One day two good friends Aamir and Zahir went on a voyaging ship - TopicsExpress


One day two good friends Aamir and Zahir went on a voyaging ship to a distant place along with a group of men. Suddenly there was a great storm in the sea which left the ship completely destroyed. The only two survivors were Aamir and Zahir. They were able to swim across the great sea and land upon a small deserted Island. It was like a mini desert where no trees grew. The two friends became helpless and since they could think of no other refuge, they began to pray to Almighty God. However, to find out whose prayers God would answer they decided to divided the territory between them and stay on opposite sides of the island. First thing they prayed was for some food. The next morning, Aamir saw a big date palm tree on his side of territory, and ate the delicious dates from the tree. Zahir’s side remained barren. After few days, Aamir felt all lonely and prayed for a wife. The next day, there was another ship wreckage and a woman who was the only survivor swam to his side of the territory and Aamir got married to the woman. There was again nothing on Zahir’s side. Aamir managed to get a house, clothes and more food for himself and his wife through prayers. One fine day Aamir thought he should now go back to his city along with his wife. So he prayed for a ship. And like before his prayers got answered and a ship sailed towards his side of the territory. Aamir and his wife boarded the ship and decided to leave Zahir on the island as Aamir considered Zahir to be unworthy to receive God’s blessings since none of his prayers were answered. As the ship was about to leave, Aamir heard a voice from above him. He looked above and saw a giant bird flying by. The bird said, “Why are you leaving your friend on the island. Why don’t you take him along?” Aamir replied, “God answered my prayers and provided for me alone. If God had willed He would have answered Zahir’s prayers too since he is not worthy of God’s blessings God didn’t answer his prayers so he does not deserve anything” “You are in great error” said the Bird angrily and continued, “The other day when I was flying by this island, I heard him call out Oh my Lord, I ask you of only one prayer.” The Bird continued, “He had only one prayer, but if that wasn’t answered, you would not have received any of the God’s blessings which you think you are worthy of” Aamir was disgusted and asked the bird, “Tell me, what that one thing Zahir prayed for that I should owe him anything?” The Bird said, “He prayed that all your prayers be answered. That’s all he prayed for.” Moral of the story: How many of us really pray for others ? Always remember, our blessings are not simply the fruits of our prayers alone, but those of another praying for us too. Value your friends. They are your loved ones and well-wishers so don’t leave them behind. Always remember them in your prayers
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 19:57:20 +0000

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