One day, you may meet somebody that is going to change your whole - TopicsExpress


One day, you may meet somebody that is going to change your whole life. Without much being said, much being shared, you are going to have such a peace of having known this person, yet in this life you just met them. This meeting is going to make it all make sense. You will talk to this person and time will stand still and you will not tire of them. You will begin to think differently, behave differently, talk differently, and even look differently. You will do this for reasons youve never done before, not to impress nor win nor flatter them, you will know you dont have to do that, you already did. You will be inspired to mature and grow in ways you never thought possible for reason you never imagined. You will suddenly realize something so powerful beyond yourselves is in control, always was and always will be. No one is going to understand, you will loose friends and interest in things that you used to do to bide your time and it wont matter. Everything you learned about codependency, Independence, self sufficiency wont even apply. You already know you are fit alone, can make it just fine in life, you love yourself. You will probably not even be looking for this person and perfectly happy with yourself but they will cause you to transcend to new places you thought unattainable. They will come out of the blue and blindside you without even knowing they are. To everyone else, youll look obsessed, love struck you may have already been looking for love your whole life but never found this. You wont even be looking for this.You will begin to search for words to describe this feeling and you will not find them as you find a scattered few have gone before you doing just that. Only to find there is no word and the only one that would fit is every single word for love in every language ever spoken put together into one word to describe this.This person is beyond a mere soulmate as there are many of those, you cannot loose this person. Therefore no one is going to understand you unless they have felt it themselves, then they will only tell you, you are going to have to figure it out for yourself. Trust God. This meeting is going to try your every belief and what you thought you knew and challenge everything in your life. You are going to be broken down and all that no longer serves you, is going to be cast away with very little effort on your part most of the time. Just the realization that it no longer serves this Union, it will begin to fall away by the Power that made this all possible. You may in desperation make an attempt to grab onto something familiar, something you dont want to let go of in order to not loose your mind. But that which you grab onto will know it, either consciously or subconsciously your efforts are selfish and vain, the egos last attempts to keep from being annihilated. But that Power in control will work nonetheless to bring you to the full realization of what this Union, is, Divine Love. There is only one of these people in your life, *if* you ever meet them. They are your best friend, your closest one, they are on your mind when you wake up and they are on your mind when you goto sleep. This is not an infatuation, a crush, puppy love, a flavor of the month, nor someone to add to your collection, you will know deep down in your heart yet be at a total loss to explain it. Do your very best to treat this person with the best intent and the most honesty. You will be able to get away with murder with this person or love them as much as you choose. Laugh, be honest, cry, get angry, run, hide, flirt, find a new fling, but beware because one day it will begin to dawn on you, you are also doing it to yourself.
Posted on: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 01:33:47 +0000

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