One early evening I was laying down because I was real tired. I - TopicsExpress


One early evening I was laying down because I was real tired. I was all covered up and everything and I was laying on my stomach. I felt some weight lift off my lower legs, around my feet. None of the cats were in my room, so it wasnt any if them, and also I would have felt their four feet lift up. Its weight felt only like a few pounds and it felt relieving when the weight lifted. As soon as I had felt the weight lift, I lifted my head up. And since the window is right at the end of my bed when I lifted my head I was staring into it. And as soon as I looked into it I saw something whitish/milky across the floor from what looked like under my bed. This thing was real small and didnt look like anything in particular. When cars come up the driveway in the dark their lights shine into my room. So I know when a car is coming up. Well, for two or three nights I was seeing lights shining on my walls but when I looked there was no car. That bugged the hell out of me, I didnt know what the hell was going on here. In the middle of the night I had gotten up to use the bathroom like I regularly do, but on my way out of the bathroom there was an unusually dark spot in the corner of the hall, it was no particular shape it was just a spot of darkness darker than the normal night darkness (sorry for being confusing). As I saw it and went past it I felt something weird, not a physical feeling, I cant explain it, but I didnt like the feeling. I encountered this a few times. Another time, I was going downstairs for a drink in the middle of the night and there was another unusually dark spot at the bottom of the stairs. This didnt stop me from going downstairs. I just closed my eyes at the bottom and quickly went through it. On my way back to my room I saw another dark spot on the couch like something was sitting there, and there was the same dark spot still at the bottom of the stairs. They gave me goosebumps, I just went quickly upstairs and crawled into bed and closed my eyes because I didnt like them at all. Another time was sitting on my bed and my door was wide open and I saw something out in the hall. It wasnt the shadow man or the peeking head I mentioned in my other stories though I have seen them both around these time (the peeking head more often), but it was this big whitish transparent thing that seemed like it was passing. It looked like a bunch of blotchy strips and spots of cloudy floating things. And literally it was big. I was shocked, my mouth dropped open, and I dont even remember what happened after that, I know I remember it disappearing. While a few of these things happened the same evening/night the outside light had turned off again, like it did in some of my other stories. And Im not sure if this is a coincidence or not. I do have a question though; do paranormal things make lights and things turn off when they are nearby? Because its the only light nearby when this stuff that happens that will go off when it happens. Next I was laying down on my bed, on my back reading. The way I was laying and reading, my view of the door was mostly blocked. But there was a spot I could see, it was the upper left part of the door, I could probably see 2 1/2 square feet of it. In that area I saw a frightening thing. I saw this really tall shadow man walk by. Larger than the shadow man I usually see. He was over 7 1/2 feet tall. I was so scared I shut the door and tried to forget about, I did not like that thing at all. That night following that evening, I was looking out the window and I saw a blue light float around in the field next door and then it disappeared. I saw this same blue light then next night in the same spot and it floated around again then disappeared. I havent seen it since. The last thing is when I was laying in bed. I had just gotten in bed, when I saw another thing pass by that looked like a person. I gathered enough courage to go out after it this time and when I went out in the hall, there was experience I am about to share is something that happened my mother and grandma. Now I cant say for sure if what happened was paranormal, but it was definitely a very creepy experience. The story is based in Australia and happened about 25 years ago. My mother and grandmother are not really believers in the paranormal but when they tell this story they always seem a bit freaked out. Anyway, before I was born my Auntys ex-husband (I will call him Dan) fell terminally ill and was put into a hospice. Where I come from terminally ill people are sometimes sent to a hospice to spend their last days/weeks as the hospice is usually nicer than a hospital bed. Every single time my grandma and mum would visit Dan they would notice a black crow sitting on the window sill of his room. They said the crow was there every single time they would visit. When Dan passed away, his funeral ceremony was held in a church. This church had the main stage and coffin at the very front, and two large doors at the back along with a small table (this will be important in a minute). My grandma and mum decided to sit at the back of the church near the large doors and table. Only moments after the funeral ceremony began my mum and grandma were startled by a strange rustling sound behind them. When they turned around they saw a black crow hopping into the church through the back doors. They watched as the crow hopped onto the small table in the church. They said the crow faced the front of the church as though it was a guest at the funeral and watched the ceremony. The crow remained on the table until the end of the ceremony when it hopped back out of the church and flew off. They both swear it was the exact same crow that was always seen on Dans windowsill. So what do you guys think? Just a creepy coincidence or something else?
Posted on: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 17:30:00 +0000

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