One entire year of unmanly gloating? Respectable, loyal and - TopicsExpress


One entire year of unmanly gloating? Respectable, loyal and dignified. One day of piling on after a historical emasculation of biblical proportions? Either priceless or low class opportunism and needlessly flipping out, depending on who you talk to. What is it that makes some so nuts about a silly football team that it borders on the delusional and paranoia that cant remain unflappable agaist the expected coming storm they should have braced themselves for? Jeez, even non-aligned sportwriters not from Oregon or Florida are piling on. But they too will move on after a day or two because sports moves on. But for some the devestating hurt and shame will never be forgotten if some of the over-the-top reactions are any indication. One such writer called the game open and shut up but some losers cant and will probably never learn that silence is golden and that the hurt of falling is proportional to the amount of gloating that preceded it. It hurts the most the day after, but weve all been trough this at one time or another. Buck up cupcakes, you too will survive this. latimes/sports/la-sp-rose-bowl-erskine-20150102-column.html
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 20:19:01 +0000

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