One final one from me, on the back of this clip, on this nerve - TopicsExpress


One final one from me, on the back of this clip, on this nerve racking eve of the referendum. There is nothing to fear; taxes arent going to be hiked, prices are not going to sky rocket, businesses are not going to pull out, there is not going to a great depression, Scotland is guaranteed continued EU membership (pending the necessary EU negotiations, obviously), Scotland will remain a member of Nato, Scotland will have a ministry of defence and its own Navy and Army etc (the proposed budget for this is £2.5 billion a year - over half a billion less than currently contributed to UK defence. This will give us an army comparable with Denmark, Norway and others). Scotland will continue to have embassies across the world to protect its citizens in times of need (the plan is for between 70 and 90 worldwide with most of these accounted for by current offices and shared assets with rUK (of which Scotland is entitled to over 10%)). Scotland is an immensely wealthy country who, when finally in receipt of full fiscal and political autonomy, will be able to do amazing things with it, Scotland will protect the future of the NHS by writing it into the Constitution, the same applies to free education etc. With regards to currency - the likelihood of there not being a currency union is slim to none. Without a currency union Scotland has no obligation to take on a share of the national debt. Westminster know this and know the situation this will put them in should they stand by their current threats (note, the financial markets are now putting lots of pressure on Westminster to agree to the currency union). Its worth noting that the current UK debt levels are 75.6% of GDP (this puts debt at £1.27 trillion) and this is growing at an alarming rate of £45.49 PER SECOND!!!! This is growing despite all the cuts and austerity put in place to bring down debt levels (where the hell is all the money going???). Also worth noting that this debt is offset against Scotlands North Sea oil reserves (of which there is plenty... circa 100 years left on current finds alone (does not include what is believed to be below the Clyde))! There is your main reason for a currency union!! Furthermore, there will be no change to anything for at least 18 months following the referendum while negotiations take place with Westminster, the EU and Nato etc. Scotlands proposed independence day is 24 March 2016. It has been agreed by all the appropriate high level officials (those in Scotland, rUK and Europe) that this is enough time to get everything in place and agreed allowing for a very smooth transition. So, contrary to what some people think, you will not wake up on the 19th to no currency, you will not wake up on the 19th to no wages, you will not wake up on the 19th to no job, you will not wake up on the 19th to crippling taxes and you will not wake up on the 19th forced into a fight to the death for the last tin of beans in the supermarkets. Also, while on the subject of negotiations, I know some people are fearful of it being a case of Alex Salmond negotiating his vision for Scotland. This is not the case; the panel of negotiators will include representatives of the current government, representatives of the other parties, academics, legal experts and members of the wider Scottish civic society – all of these people will negotiate what is best for Scotland. This is not one mans’, or one parties, vision for a nation – this is the collective vision of united nation! This is not all guess work and rose tinted glasses on my part - I know all of this from a result of tireless research, the reading of countless papers and documents (some government related, some academic papers etc) and correspondence with MPs, MSPs, MEPs, Businesses, Government bodies and academics. I have never been so passionate or committed to something in my life. Knowing everything that I know it genuinely makes me sick to my stomach to see that there is still such a large percentage of people willing to vote no. I have nothing against those voting no, some of you, my friends that I love and respect, are voting no. I will always love and respect you but I will never understand you putting an x next to no. At the same time, I hope you appreciate that I cant just sit here and be quiet... Thats not who I am and I am sure its not who you would want me to be either. The opportunity we have here is huge. Lets not throw it away through fear or a romantic idea of a union that does not work for anyone in it. Vote #yes!! Vote #yes and make way for a brighter future for not just Scotland but for the rUK - the push for political and constitutional reform will be huge following a yes vote and this island will change dramatically for the better because of it. The rUK is watching us... The world is watching us, the world is behind us (Im not talking about politicians that Cameron etc have pleaded with to back him up; Im talking about the people on the street like you and I - the people that hold the real power and the people that need to remind the elitist political establishments just how much power we do wield) and they are waiting on us to set a precedent!! Lets not let ourselves, or them, down!!! #indyref #scotdecides #youyesyet #yes
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 13:40:32 +0000

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