One final thing you must know, Muslims are projectors, so they - TopicsExpress


One final thing you must know, Muslims are projectors, so they accuse you of what they truly are : they accuse you to be a racist, while they are the racism itself, and their religion is all about racism. They accuse you to be a hater, while they are the hatred itself, and their religion is full of hatred incitement and violence. They accuse you to be a bigot, while they are the supremacism and the bigotry themselves. Muslims generally suffer from a collective state of paranoia and conspiracy theory since the time of their prophet till now. They believe they are perpetually persecuted, discriminated against and oppressed by non-Muslims. Muslims residing in western countries live always in a defensive mode, they interpret any disciplinary action against a Muslim or a refuse of a nonsensical religious demand for example as an anti-Muslim bias, or a discrimination against Muslims, Consequently they cause a lot of troubles and unnecessary headache to the country of host, and the people who welcomed them in their land. The basic mistake was tolerating Islamic Cultural Imperialism which seized the opportunity of the West’s open-handedness to refugees/asylum seekers to use them as a Trojan Horse to invade, over-run & take over. Nobody in the world know Islam and the mentality of Muslims more than the people who were burnt by the fire of Islam all their lives, and lived between Muslims all their years. Listen to the cries of the copts of Egypt, the christians of Syria, Iraq, Sudan, Pakistan and all Muslim countries they will describe you the horrors of Islam. See the tears of the minorities in every Islamic society and their tears will show you the true image of Islam. Hear the blood of the ex-Muslims, their blood shout out every single second: Wake up !!!!!…
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 21:39:04 +0000

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