One gets personally tired of hearing how Islamic organizations - TopicsExpress


One gets personally tired of hearing how Islamic organizations like the MuslimBrotherhood that want to destroy our civilization are called moderates, whereas Westerners are extremists if we resist this, yet that is exactly what our media and authorities do. We are not extremists; we are subjected to policies that are extreme. Is reducing a people to a minority in their own land, without proper debate about future consequences, not to be regarded as extreme? Some observers fear a western extremist backlash, but if people are soconcerned about this then they should stop creating the foundations for such extremism to grow. Native Europeans increasingly get the feeling that they are being pushed into a corner and have an entirely justifiable fear of being overwhelmed. Fear leads to desperation, which sometimes leads to aggression. If we do get an outbreak of extremist political movements, this will not come about because Europeans are born evil; it will come about because they will be pushed into extremism, feel that their continued existence is at stake and that they have been abandoned by their authorities. The solution to this is to recognize that Western nations have accepted more immigration from alien cultures in a shorter period of time than any other civilization has done peacefully in history. We have reached our limit and we need a break before our entire political and economic system breaks down. The ongoing mass immigration is population dumping where less successful cultures dump their population in more successful ones. This is a form of global Communism and will generate the same disastrous effects by destroying successful communities and centers of excellence. Native Europeans are being told that we dont have a culture and that we thus gain culture when others move to our countries. This is an insult to thousands of years of European history, to the Celtic, Germanic and Slavic legacies and the Greco-Roman and Judeo-Christian heritage we all share in. The next moment we are told that we do have a culture, but it consists of nothing but a long line of crimes and is not worth preserving, anyway. As Professor Ida Magli writes in an Italian essay entitled A Nation for Sale: Why cant we protest? Why arent we allowed what every people has always had the right to say, that is that no ruler, whatever the system of government — monarchy, dictatorship, democracy — has either the power or the right to sell off the homeland of their own subjects? It has happened many times that a people move into an area and subdue those living there before, but the natives have at least been allowed to defend themselves. It is unprecedented in the annals of history that a people is banned by their own leaders from defending their lands from foreign colonization. The established historical pattern is that people who are conquered by others are harassed by the newcomers. When we are being told that mass immigration is inevitable, we are actually being told that verbal and physical abuse of our children is inevitable and that we should get used to it. I see no reason to accept this. If mass immigration leads to harassment of my children then it is my duty to resist it. Observer Ole Kulterstad notes that Europeans who are against free migration are labeled as right-wing extremists. But common sense indicates that giving away your country to alien cultures is more extreme than merely wanting to preserve it as it once was. gatesofvienna.blogspot/201...
Posted on: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 02:43:16 +0000

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