One has got to be a person so as to be a part of the problem - and - TopicsExpress


One has got to be a person so as to be a part of the problem - and the same will go for this as well - So as to be a person One has got to have a remedy for the problem ! - and the beat goes on and on - Well -?- , Are You a Person - Do You have a remedy for the problem and or - are You a part of this said problem - ? - , Ya see - To be a part of any-damn-thing , One 1st and foremost - Has to be involved - and if You are involved , and if You are not looking for a remedy - and or - if You are a major part of this engine that is missing a cog in its gear - and You feel that it will run jus perfectly fine just the way it is - Then (( YES )) You are as well a part of this problem - Folks , Like it and or hate it - But this is the United States of America !! United - Now that word alone has a whole lot of meaning - Look It Up - and read it for Your-Self , Well , Can You make a better definition then this ; - and in reality - This is what We are ! 1 : made one : combined 2 : relating to or produced by joint action 3 : being in agreement : harmonious — unit·ed·ly adverb And One can see that even with this definition , We ( Our Fore Fathers ) had to come up with the words of Our United States Constitution - Now Folks even if You are not a reader and or even if You dont have a whole lot of knowledge of this absolute and magnificent Piece of History - But You have to NOW that it is a work of art that has put words into such places and phrases that have not been changed since the writing of this magnificent piece of work - But with that being said - That One word - United - Yes - United was a word that had to be worked out - and so fit in with the United States of America - and One has got to at least (( THINK )) that when they were writing these words - and putting these words together - At least half of them were thinking - This will be a piece of paper that will live - and live well - as long as these words are understood - and for the life of America - are brought up and used as One tries to make new laws and to bring the new decades and then centuries into this place that is called (( The United States of America ! )) - Yes for Us to continue to be who We are and what We have been - Then We have to live by the words of Our Fore Fathers - Yes Folks - That is the simple of it All ! - It has worked for way too many years - and if it is left alone - It will continue to work for the many years to come - ,, If it is desired to be changed - then One truly has got to look at the One that so desired to change what has worked for all these years - and that Folks - Is a Person that has No Hope and or Desire for the continuation of what has been a working United States of America ! - We are the People that has made Us what We are - and it is going to take Us and the rest of the United States of America so as to see that We are stead fast and We will steadily stand Our ground against any foreign and or domestic enemy that has the ignorant thoughts of taking Us down - We are America - We are the United States of said America - and You and who-ever thinks that We are going to run from anything - Then fella - You are as dead as You are wrong - And I will be a Man of My word and say a small but real Prayer over Yo body - For that is the Christian in Me and My Brothers and Very Lovingly Sisters - If You are One that loves this idea of breathing in and breathing out - and the color of spring - summer - autumn and the beautiful winter then You had better find another enemy then Us - The People of this Nation - Of The United States of America - One may ask - Jus Why do You have to say ( The United States of America ) so often - and Ill say - Because I can - Because We are the Nation that this whole wide world would truly love to mimic - and say - We are the Nation of the Freedom of Speech - and Yes that does matter ! - Without the freedom to say what One desires is a lost word that could had made the whole difference between the shot that was heard around the world and or - The shot that was never taken for the world to go into a spin - Straight to Hell - See ,, Words do matter - Words are as strong as the sound of a weapon - But words will never do the damage that a cowardly weapon will always bring to the party - I would rather have words and then a compromise - Then a bang with a funeral 2 days later - ComOn - Folks ,, Lets be the Ones that stop - This ignorance - Think about the Children - For in reality - It is the future of those that have yet to be born , That will be thew Ones that will have to clean up the mess that We brought into Our homes - Can You look at Your Children - Your Grand-Children - and or - The Babies that You see on an everyday basis - Folks - We are only a fraction of a second here on this earth - How can We be the Ones to make so much damage and then jus go away - and let the Children pick up after Us - The Ones that are supposed to be the smart Ones - Yes the Ones that made the rules jus so as to break the damn rules - I am a believer in the fact that what You bring to a party - i.e. - When Your born and then raised - You will leave a mark on this world - Do You want You mark to be nothing more then a skid mark on some dirty azz pair of draws - and or - Are You One that does want to leave a mark that does bring People together in ways that will bring Peace - Yes even if it is only in Your own home - or in Your own home town - then try and imagine - That You could be a Person that brought Peace into the State that You were so attached to - WoW ! - Now that is sayn something - But - You are even better then that ((RIGHT)) You are even able to talk and sing and bring Peace towards the moon of darkness - and to the brightness of the sun - for that is what You are - An object - something that is here - and then in a blink of reality - You are gone - Be that spark - Ya know - When One sees a lighter - as it is starting that flame - Yea - Be a part of that short and blatantly small spark that did start it all - Kind-a like a forest fire - It did start in a very small moment of time - In time - and it burnt for quite a time - Be that spark that makes (( Not nessasarly )) a forest fire - But a fire that can bring some sort of -TALK- for it is through the gift that God has given Us All , To be able to communicate - For a war to begin - There are some sort of a communication - NOT GOOD - But an communication that got them into this so called war - Well , How about going back and recommunicate jus what One hopes to have in the future of the Children - For You do know - It is the Children that will either benefit and or be imprisoned by the choices of Us - The Ones that have bargained their lives away - Not such a good bargain I think they would be a thinkn - and You - What would Your (Being Free) thoughts be - and or if - You were to be imprisoned for Your thoughts - Would they had been any different - We have to think about the Children - For We will die and they will have to live with the decision of the dead People !! - Now that is NOT a win - that is an absolute lose -- and lose situation - Can Ya truly live with that type of - Me Boss - You live with Me Boss decision - and I would have to say ( Go To Hell ) You Boss !
Posted on: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 02:08:38 +0000

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