One hell of a lot of you wrote expressing disappointment that I - TopicsExpress


One hell of a lot of you wrote expressing disappointment that I havent said anything about the Hobby Lobby verdict. Well, first theres the week in Twitter: __________ - When corporations become indistinguishable from churches, you can bet government isnt far behind. - Ladies, the message couldnt be more clear: if you want to be treated like people, youll need to incorporate your uterus. - Also, “uterus?” Sounds vaguely socialist. Maybe French. May I suggest “Incubator of Freedom!” Also, it should run on coal. - We hold these truths to be self-evident, life, liberty, and happiness! Unless you have a vagina, then youre property. - Communism distilled to its most evil essence: The belief that a citizens reproductive system belongs to society. - Oligarchy distilled to its most evil essence: The belief that a citizen’s reproductive system belongs to Wall Street. - Theocracy distilled to its most evil essence: The belief that a citizen’s reproductive system belongs to the church. - Religious objection wouldnt be an issue with a single payer national health care system. Predictably, conservatives dont want that either. - We asked for a single payer healthcare system, instead we got a single prayer healthcare system. - This ruling makes perfect sense if you keep 3 simple things in mind: Government should be small, business should be big, and citizens should be second. _____________ I know you were expecting an essay on this topic, you can find it here:
Posted on: Sat, 05 Jul 2014 02:38:21 +0000

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