One hundred fifty years ago, on August 4, 1864, Confederate troops - TopicsExpress


One hundred fifty years ago, on August 4, 1864, Confederate troops prepare for a move on Missouri: HEADQUARTERS TRANS-MISSISSIPPI DEPARTMENT, Shreveport, La., August 4, 1864. Maj. Gen. S. PRICE, Commanding District of Arkansas : GENERAL: You will make immediate arrangements for a movement into Missouri, with the entire cavalry force of your district. General Shelby should be instructed to have his command in Northeast Arkansas ready to move by the 20th instant. You can instruct him to await your arrival with the column immediately under your command. A brigade of Louisiana troops, under Colonel Harrison, has been ordered to report to you. They should be added to General Marmadukes command, and with his old brigade constitute his division. General Clark should be transferred to the command of Marmadukes old brigade. Colonel Greene should be left in Arkansas, together with the other regimental commanders whose mutinous conduct has already proved them unfitted for command. General Shelbys old brigade, increased by the one raised in East Arkansas can be organized into a division under his immediate command. General Fagan will command the division composed of Cabells and Crawfords brigades. These skeleton organizations are best adapted for an expedition in which a large addition to your force is expected. These weak brigades should be filled by the regiments raised in Missouri, and you should scrupulously avoid the organization of any new brigades. You will carry a supply of ammunition for General Shelbys command in Northeast Arkansas, and should yourself be provided with ammunition sufficient for the expedition. You will scrupulously avoid all wanton acts of destruction and devastation, restrain your men, and impress upon them that their aim should be to secure success in a just and holy cause and not to gratify personal feeling and revenge. Rally the loyal men of Missouri, and remember that our great want is men, and that your object should be, if you cannot maintain yourself in that country, to bring as large an accession as possible to our force. Your recruits will in all probability be mounted; deal frankly with them, and let them understand that mounted organizations, made there through necessity, are liable to be dismounted on their arrival in our lines, where forage and subsistence will not admit the maintenance of so large a cavalry force. Make Saint Louis the objective point of your movement, which, if rapidly made, will put you in possession of that place, its supplies, and military stores, and which will do more toward rallying Missouri to your standard than the possession of any other point. Should you be compelled to withdraw from the State, make your retreat through Kansas and the Indian Territory, sweeping that country of its mules, horses, cattle, and military supplies of all kinds. The division of General Fagan, the senior officer of your command, should be increased as soon as practicable. By command of General E. Kirby Smith: W. E. BOGGS, Brigadier-General and Chief of Staff.
Posted on: Mon, 04 Aug 2014 14:00:00 +0000

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