One hundred fifty years ago, on July 15, 1864, Confederate surgeon - TopicsExpress


One hundred fifty years ago, on July 15, 1864, Confederate surgeon William McPheeters experiences medicine and religion: July 15th. Friday. The Medical Examining Board met as usual this morning in Gause’s Brigade and thither at 9 o’clock I repaired. We had diverse cases before us requiring the exercise of judgment and professional skill, all of which were disposed of. On my way back to camp about the middle of the day passed Blocher’s Battalion near to which was a large arbor of brush erected and a large congregation of soldiers and others were assembled engaged in religious exercises, conducted by the chaplains of the army of the Methodist denomination. They are holding a protracted meeting, and as is usual under such circumstances with this class, a good deal of excitement and wild confusion was exhibited. Still I hope that good will be accomplished, though there is not as much order and discretion as the solemnity and importance of religion demands. Quite a revival I understand is in progress. In Gen. Parsons’ Division similar meetings have been held with better results. Far be it from me to discourage such meetings though for the honor of religion and the permanent good that is likely to result I could desire more prudence in their management. Would to God that our entire army—officers and men—were persuaded by a strong religious feeling and that the Holy Spirit were poured in our entire people in copious effusion for there is a great need of it. And we ought in all humility to humble ourselves before God for the many and great victories with which he has crowned our armies during the present campaign. Oh that our people felt this as they should. Spent the remainder of the day in reading. Late in the evening amused myself for an hour in pitching quoits with the young gentlemen of the staff. No news today. The weather warm, the night bright and beautiful.
Posted on: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 12:00:00 +0000

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