One hundred fifty years ago, on July 27, 1864, J.O. Shelby reports - TopicsExpress


One hundred fifty years ago, on July 27, 1864, J.O. Shelby reports from Arkansas: HDQRS. CONFEDERATE FORCES IN NORTH. ARKANSAS, July 27, 1864. Lieut. Col. J. F. BELTON, Assistant Adjutant-General, Camden, Ark.: COLONEL: The heat, the drougth, and the scarcity of forage have not entirely suspended military operations. The expedition I sent to the railroad was successful in tearing up a portion of the track, burning the ties, bending the rails, and destroying the telegraph for miles. An express train which came thundering along some little time after the scouts left was precipitated from the track, the locomotive and three cars destroyed, and four or five killed who were passengers on the train, mostly soldiers. I have sent 300 men to ravage the Government plantations above Memphis with fire and sword, and 1,200 more to do the same below Helena. Five hundred men sleep on the banks of White River between Saint Charles and Clarendon, and night or day they fire on every living thing that passes up or down. My chief intention in writing this communication to you is to lay before General Price a few arguments in favor of making a raid to Missouri and stating to him what I know to be true about the fitness of the time, the favorable circumstances, and the universal desire of the citizens of Missouri that a Confederate force should be sent there: First. There is no regularly organized Federal force in the State and the militia are scattered, broken up, and worse than useless; this gives easy access to my squadrons, and time for recruits to rally. Second. The unparalleled tide of Southern victories has so inflamed the minds of a vast proportion of its inhabitants, stimulated by three years of crime and desolation, that they have risen in twenty-six counties and the rebels and militia have fraternized. They call for organized help from the South; they are terribly in earnest; it is death or victory, and with a little encouragement and help 20,000 men would spring to arms. Third. The entire department is stripped of regulars for Grant and Sherman, and railroads are grass-grown, important towns silent from desertion, depots of supplies unguarded, and from all over the State there is that unquiet shudder that presages the coming hurricane. Fourth. I can march north with 5,000 men. I can mount them, arm them, equip them, and place them on a thorough war footing, and all, too, without costing the Government a dollar. Fifth. I can bring out 5,000 recruits, clothe them, and light a fire of opposition that never can be quenched. Sixth. Owing to the drought and the large force now accumulating under my command it will be impossible to remain here longer than August. With permission, then, I could sweep through Missouri and return to your command with 10,000 well-mounted, well-clothed, and well-armed men. I make these calculations and base my deductions upon the scarcity of Federal regulars, the disorganization of the militia, the universal uprising of the people, the great desire for a Confederate force to organize and direct their strong but unskillful efforts, and the cheering successes which have crowned our arms and inspired the Missouri people with that most desperate of all courage--fanaticism. I should like very much to have positive answers to my propositions. I suggest nothing, dictate nothing to General Price, but simply place the plain, unvarnished facts before him, knowing that he will do all he can in the premises. I send this by my quartermaster, who will have to be supplied with funds in the event of my proposition being entertained favorably. Out of the 5,000 men mentioned as the number I could take with me 4,000 would be armed. You are also aware that from the nature of service performed for the last twenty-six months by my old brigade, and from the fact of its living on grass alone for four months past, the most of the men will soon be dismounted. When they are nothing but a raid can ever mount them again. I will need no small-arm ammunition, as the 70,000 rounds obtained from the Mississippi River will be enough. Cannon ammunition as much as 200 rounds to each gun will be required. This can be sent to the Arkansas River, where I can get it. I desire to start by the 20th of August, and if permission is granted will make my arrangements accordingly. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, JO. O. SHELBY, Brigadier-General, Commanding.
Posted on: Sun, 27 Jul 2014 15:00:01 +0000

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