One hundred years ago on December 17, 1914 Citigroup (Citibank) - TopicsExpress


One hundred years ago on December 17, 1914 Citigroup (Citibank) stole Haitis gold reserves. The US sent the Marines to Haiti to take our gold reserves and transport it to the Wall Street vaults of what is now known as Citigroup. On December 17, 2014 Haitians with a memory will mark this theft of Haiti monies by the wealthy United States, demanding the US make reparations for that crime as well as the continued crimes of occupation and taking of Haiti assets under Bill Clinton and his Wall Street cronies. I post this Elizabeth Warren video not as an approval of her bid for the presidency or an endorsement of the US politicos simplistic villain/hero pathology -their Democrat/Republican duopoly, but simply to help explain how powerful Citigroup/Citibank is today.. and how it continues its traditional thievery. Unfettered capitalism doesnt work, it must constantly steal The new term for theft is bailout. The info shared reveals how the City bank boys operate worldwide, including being a good part of the reason why Haiti and the global south are kept contained in poverty. These thieves and money changers are the same ilks digging up Haitis mountains to extract whats left of its gold, copper, uranium, iridium. Strategically positioning to take its oil, coastal lands, deep water ports, offshore islands.... Listen to the current situation with Citigroup. its massive power, lobby and influence within the US government. It fleeces not Haiti gold now but gets trillions in BAILOUT.. As 80% of the American people grind away in debts to these powerful banksters with never a bailout. https://youtube/watch?v=DJpTxONxvoo (Two thousand years ago, a Hebrew named Jesus spoke of the money changers and how they must be thrown out of the temple. Well its not only the temple they must be thrown out of, but everywhere if humanity is to start fresh from greed or placing profit over people--Identifying the real obstacle, naming the enemy is a first step to winning any war. See the History of the Money Changers - iamthewitness/books/Andrew.Carrington.Hitchcock/The.History.of.the.Money.Changers.htm )
Posted on: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 09:57:35 +0000

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