One man kills himself in the US, my whole fb news feed is filled - TopicsExpress


One man kills himself in the US, my whole fb news feed is filled with the topic. Thousands of innocent children killed and injured in Palestine with our tax dollars and nothing is said. Its sad to have lost someone who had made such an impact on the film and movie industry, but we never knew the real him. He was an actor. He may have been saying so many jokes but was growing through a war within himself. We never knew the addicted Robin Williams or the depressed Robin Williams. This just goes to show that money and fame and success cant buy happiness and every single person on this planet goes through a fight of their own. Just have to be kind to every person we meet on your path and make sure to give them a reason to smile. And no matter how bad the road gets, there is someone out there wishing to be in your position. And there is someone out there who may know the answer to the problem that you are going through so make sure to always talk to someone! Rest in peace Robin Williams but also rest in peace to all the people who have left us. And rest in peace to all the children who have died because of unnecessary war. I hope we can learn a lesson from this, death is a natural process, it will come when its ready, we shouldnt kill one another for the sake of land and money, and we shouldnt kill ourself because at that point of time there is no answer to our problem, there is always an answer and death is not one. Im still a bit shocked that Obama made a statement about Robin Williams but none about the children that are beings killed with our tax dollars. I dont mean to burst anyones bubble or hurt anyone in any way, I just wanted to share my way of looking at this situation. And I may have a bias view on this situation because I have so much passion for children and never really developed a love for an actor or an actress, so I apologize in advance. If this much attention was given to the war in Palestine maybe it would have stopped by now. I will leave this with a quote from Dr. Paul Farmer, the idea that some lives matter less is the root of all that is wrong with the world.
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 16:51:49 +0000

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