One more rant, then Im done. Protesters burning flags. If life - TopicsExpress


One more rant, then Im done. Protesters burning flags. If life is so miserable and unjust here in the USA, get out. Youll burn the flag today but come next Monday, December 1st, youll be spending that welfare check, courtesy of the working folks and the Government. Brave men and women gave lives and limbs so your non working, baby having, crack smokin, racism crying ass can burn down a building, flip a cop car and ruin others property all to honor a thug who charged police officers. Whine, cry, peacefully protest. Those same men and women died for that right, as well. I respect your right to do that. I understand you feel strong about your opinion and I respect that as well. But you have lost ALL credibility with me when you ruin peoples lives who had nothing to do with the shooting. You lose my respect when you burn the Flag. If you only knew how good you have it here. If you only knew how little other countries would do for you. If you only knew how lucky you are to be living in 2014 America rather than 1814 or 1914. Brave Black men and women fought for this country. Brave Black men and women suffered and survived slavery and civil rights. Good men like Martin Luther King stood up for what they believed was right, PEACEFULLY and got results. The actions in Ferguson and other cities dishonor all of their sacrifice, work and their achievements. This is not about race. I am not a racist. I disagree with the violence over this shooting. Black, White or Swirled, it does not matter to me. But when you burn the Flag that so many died for....https://youtube/watch?v=ZHAFmFsb9XM
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 04:48:42 +0000

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