One needs to understand the process of the Kundalini passing - TopicsExpress


One needs to understand the process of the Kundalini passing through the chakras ,and in doing so, of the Kundalini passing automatically improving the specific qualities within them.This will make us wish to be connected and to improve from within in a totally natural process that just requires some silence and letting it happen once realisation has taken place. Introspection is the necessary mechanism for freeing oneself from these chains and it cuts the ties that keep us from growing inwardly.It is interesting to discover that every chakra can be under the attack of a specific defect,behaviour or addiction but that the awakening of the chakras power by the Kundalini progressively eliminates these defects. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi and the path to inner transformation. THE THIRD ADVENT- Over coming the six enemies of the soul. Lust is caused by a malfunction of the first center( Mooladhara chakra) Betrayed spouces, broken hearts and damages relationships, litter its path. But restoring of the integrity of the Mooladhara chakra is possible through sahaja meditation practices. Anger, Horace advises , is a momentary madness ,so controle your passion or it will control you. Anger represents a malfunction of of the second center (Swadhistan chakra) and can take a variety of forms This chakra is the power store of the energy of action , but if it overheats this energy can express itself in angry behaviour. Anger breeds conflict and stress,bursts out into patterns of aggression ,calls for violance, and pits man against man, and corporations and collective groupings against each other. The cycle triggered by anger is endless : Improvement in the Swadhistan chakra turns its energy into constructive purposes ,creativity and dynamism. Greed relates to a contraction or constriction of the third center. (Manipur or Nabhi chakra) and because of this the energy of the being is diverted from inner growth into aquiring external posessions. The manifestation of the qualties of the Nabhi include an innate feeling of well being and satisfaction ,a condition that makes greed superfluous and irrelevant. The third center grants balance to the personality and this factor of equillibrium ,between the movements of the lateral channels ,provides the basis for the capacity to adapt and evolve. THE THIRD ADVANT Attachment strangles the opening of the fourth center-Anahat chakra.Attachment is a lower form of love ,and a selfish takes instead of giving and is a manifestation of excess. Attached love binds emotions in such a manner that the phenomenon of addiction is this time vested in specific personal relationships: mother,sister,son,friend,etc. Attachment is the killer of freedom . The happening of the Self Realisation creates a new flow of energy in the sushumna ,which counters and balances various negativeinflueces.
Posted on: Fri, 31 Jan 2014 18:02:47 +0000

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