One night when me and some friends were drinking we found a cell - TopicsExpress


One night when me and some friends were drinking we found a cell phone with that Nextel Push To Talk action on it outside of a nightclub. Were honest people and there was never any doubt that wed give the phone back to its owner somehow but as we felt the effects of the tequila building throughout the night we decided to have some fun with it. Going through the guys contact list we decided that wed convince his friends that he got arrested and that the cops took him to jail and that he needed to be bailed out. We said hed given us his phone with those instructions before he was hauled off. One by one we went down the list and pleaded with his friends to come and bail him out. Nobody would. We couldnt get one person to drive down to the station and toss the man a fifty to get Buddy outta the clink and we really started to feel bad for him. In the morning when the phone rang it was Buddy and he wondered if we might give him his phone back. Wed slept on a boat in the harbor that night and explained to Buddy where wed stash it so he could find it and we even told him that we never once made any long distance international calls or anything. Buddy was really appreciative and he sounded hungover as hell. He did thank us for keepin his phone safe and not abusing the long distance thing or anything. Buddyd gotten word from a few of his friends about our little prank and told us that much. We admitted to him it was all in good fun and told him wed told all of his friends that indeed he was in jail for some drunken stunt and we asked everyone if they could fork up fifty bucks to get him out. There was laughter on both ends of the line. Uncomfortable laughter. Before he hung up Buddy asked how many of his friends had agreed to come and get his ass outta the can and I paused for a moment and told him none. They pretty much said they were sick of your shit Buddy I said. He seemed really upset and said somethin about changin his ways and that this was a big wake up call. We stashed Buddys phone under the third piling on the Key West Municipal Pier where we told him itd be waiting for him and headed out to sea hoping that Buddys revelation would have some positive impact on his life. Ive often wondered about our little night of mischief and whether or not Buddy changed the path he was walkin down life.
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 21:22:26 +0000

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