One of Advocate General Atmaram Nadkarni’s side kick and man - TopicsExpress


One of Advocate General Atmaram Nadkarni’s side kick and man Friday is his trusted Lieutenant Advocate Hanumant Naik alias H.D. Naik also better known as High Definition Naik. Though he has been practically operating from Atmaram Nadkarni’s den, for it not to look very obvious he has not long ago set up his symbolic own office not very far from that of his mentor. H.D. Naik is Atmaram Nadkarni’s Junior for donkey’s many years but like the other side-kick Dattaprasad Lawande has also never argued any worthy matter independently possibly being busy doing the behind the scenes manipulation chores for their boss. Even when in Court, the attachment to their boss is all-too-evident. Though the Advocate General cannot be appearing in matters against the Government Atmaram Nadkarni has been blatantly flouting this rule with impunity. He has devised his modus-operandi. In all high stake cases against the government, Advocate General Atmaram Nadkarni himself does all the ground work but on paper his very own H.D.Naik is the official lawyer for the litigant against the government. Can an Advocate General, who appears for a mining company, be expected to give honest opinion to the Government, when mining issues are at stake? What about the other mining companies, who have not engaged the Advocate General – would they not be ostracised: for failure to engage him and/or his bent of mind in favour of his private client? It is whispered in the corridors of the Courts and even in the fish markets, that if you want to successfully file a petition against the government you have to first meet the Advocate General himself who would prescribe you which advocate to engage. H.D. Naik would be his recommendation in most cases. And in certain cases, even the Senior Counsel from out of Goa would be indicated. And once the deal is cracked with the stage set for the fixing, Advocate General Atmaram Nadkarni through his theatrics would deviously ensure the petition against the government a safe sailing and happy landing. With so much of moolah flowing into Atmaram Nadkarni’s three floor state of the art office on 18th June road it ordinarily would have required a currency counting machine but with very experienced hands by way of H.D.Naik and Dattaprasad Lawande the count is swift and flawless. The muck in the Advocate General’s office cannot get any worse. The high constitutional post has been disgraced with the loud and clear mantra being 100% tolerance to corruption. Ironically Atmaram Nadkarni who projects himself to be extremely spiritual bows before every religious shrine he passes by. Is it to seek forgiveness for his acts of omission and commission? By the way we do not need the Ram Sene in Goa. But Manohar Parrikar could outsource to Pramod Muthalik the task of driving the Casinos out of the River Mandovi and also the job of fumigating the Advocate General’s office.
Posted on: Sat, 28 Jun 2014 07:10:23 +0000

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