One of master shaman stones Sugilite . Few stones exhibit - TopicsExpress


One of master shaman stones Sugilite . Few stones exhibit greater healing powers, as it attracts and intensifies healing energy to promote speedier healing. It is particularly helpful for those suffering from cancer, immune deficiency and addiction. It can be used to relieve headaches. It tends to create a balance between the peneal and the pituitary glands and can help children with learning difficulties like ADD, autism, dyslexia. It can also teach a child how to cope in difficult situations, while remaining calm, as it offers protection from negative energy. It helps to promote and maintain our childhood innocence stemming from our deep wisdom, our immense imagination, our fearless quest for answers based on our burning need to know everything -- which all makes up the magic of our childhood. It has strong balancing and nurturing qualities and for sensitive people it is ideal as a protective stone Excellent for all negative traits, it can be used to eliminate hostility, anger, abrasiveness, jealousy and prejudice. Used to soothe all kinds of discomforts and feelings of disorder which are relieved by holding the stone and allowing the negative energy of the discomfort to be released into the black manganese of the sugilite. Giving one a feeling of being free and encouraging confidence and inspiration, it is thought to be a wonderful stone to wear or carry generally. It assists in integrating the physical reality with the spirit self (a very important experience), while encouraging the release of the past to move one into the future (all the while appreciating the present). It is also contemplated or worn during meditation to increase awareness of the spiritual world and is also worn to obtain universal wisdom, and at the same time grounding you in the true purpose of the present. It will smooth away the barrier between intuition and logic, (ie. left and right brain thinking). It helps to align the crown and the root chakras, assisting the free movement of life force, bringing balance and harmony to the whole self. WARNING -- the powerful changes may cause painful transitions for some people who have been stuck for a long time. The energy shift of letting go a comfort zone can be difficult. Developing our productively creative side in our daily lives is often the cause of frustrations. Many times we come up with wonderful ideas and are motivated to advance with them showing great enthusiasm, only to lose momentum until finally our fine ideas dwindle and are never completed. Sugilite is able to bring into balance this perceived disharmony, thereby helping us to realise our creative potential and maintain our momentum. Another area of our daily lives involves the accumulation of the unnatural results of our emotions. Stored anger, guilt, resentment and fear can accumulate in our being, creating the potential of illnesses such as cancer, by placing the whole system under great stress. Sugilite acts as a release for these old emotions by assisting us to let go. Once more the subconscious mind can regain control of our emotions while the unconscious mind regains normal control of the body, as the energy channels are opened and accelerated healing energy is introduced into the system. When used correctly this mineral has the power to restore mental and physical health.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 05:45:55 +0000

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