One of my biggest flaws is how I deal with conflict. Because I - TopicsExpress


One of my biggest flaws is how I deal with conflict. Because I dont. If I feel its not worth confronting, I just subtley handle it my own way. I know its not right, but its how I choose to do things. Last night I deleted over 175 people. People I felt I no longer kept contact with, could be saying negative things behind my back, or simply just had an inactive profile. Mainly those I had negative ties with and relationships that couldnt be repaired. People all have different ways of approaching their problems. Ive had numerous people message me about how someone chose to handle their dissatisfaction with my unfriending them by personally targeting me, naming me in one of their status that now contains negative comments about me. And you know what? Thats okay. Because like I said, we all have a different way of handling problems. I appreciate every one letting me know what was said about me, you guys are good friends. However I wont be sending any negativity their way by naming them. We all have different views on things. I wont sit here and try to be a hardass and pretend it doesnt bother me, because it does. However its their profile and they can do as they please with it. I like to keep positive vibes and instead of directing hatred toward those hindering me, I enjoy positivity on my page. Instead of people saying screw them! I prefer were here for you. Thats why I hate having to post this. So to wrap this post up, Im aware of what has been said about me publicly. I ask that no one negatively approach said person, she doesnt deserve it, everyone deserves happiness and good vibes, and that things get rough before they get better. Im doing this for myself and my happiness, nothing else. Thank you guys for staying by my side.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 04:17:57 +0000

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