One of my dear friends recently told me that Facebook is not the - TopicsExpress


One of my dear friends recently told me that Facebook is not the place for a discussion about Israel because, he said, all people ever do is throw pictures and articles back and forth and never actually discuss anything (oddly enough, he mentioned this in the comments to an article he posted about Israel....). In response to his stated desire for an actual discussion, I offered him these serious questions and now offer them to any Israel detractor who wishes to answer them: 1. Why are you and like minded souls conspicuously silent about the thousands of cold blooded murders (in some cases, summary executions) in the middle east over the past year (e.g., Iraq, Syria, Pakistan), but seemingly tormented over Gaza? I just dont get it. 2. When harshly criticizing Israel for its response to Hamas launching rockets into Israel or building terror tunnels leading into Israel, does your criticism of Israel implicitly include some support for Hamas activity? 3. If you are mad at Israel, are you also mad at Hamas for anything it has done? 4. If you are mad at Hamas for something, how come you never ever say so? 5. If there is something you are mad at Hamas about, what is it? 6. If you arent mad at Hamas for anything, why not? 7. If you are mad at both Israel and Hamas, shouldnt you at the very least be angrier at Hamas than Israel? If not, why not? 8. Should Israel be allowed to protect its citizens from rockets being launched at it by the terrorist organization known as Hamas? 9. If so, what method do you propose Israel employ to achieve this? 10. How come you know the number of deaths in Gaza seemingly up to the minute but you dont have a clue how many American soldiers died this month in support of our country?
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 19:34:06 +0000

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