One of my earlier essays I am testing on this page under the - TopicsExpress


One of my earlier essays I am testing on this page under the pseudonym of Urhzogg, It represents one of the many researches and writings I have committed myself to over the last twenty or so years RECLAIMING YOUR HERITAGE YOUR HOME YOUR PRIDE YOUR DIGNITY Who among you are the bravest ready to resolve within yourself in your mind, your body and your spirit. Who among you feel the burning desire to avenge your ancestor with respect to your own destiny. Who among you are prepared to forge the remainder of your days. To defy the shame bought about by your captors. To walk tall and strong as once did your Ancestors from long ago before the whites came. I say who among you has the courage to find yourself in pursuit of a day that the First Nations and First Nations People will once again be as it was and should always be. This is the quest having been revealed as one day will happen. The first of the quest is that the circle must be complete. The whole and the mixed will come to many councils and bitterness will make way for the inevitable and the good of the First People. First People must make preparation during these times to get the next generations ready. A Child looks up to his Daddy and asks why they must leave their home? A Child looks up to his Mother and asks when is Daddy coming back? A young Boy or Girl asks their Mother will they ever go back home? A Child asks his Daddy where is this place that his Daddy and Grandmother was forced to leave? A Grand-Child asks his or her Grand-Mother where is the place that was her Grandfathers home? A Great, Great Grandchild asks his or her Parents where is their Place among their Ancestral Heritage. A young man or woman of this present time looks about and decides that He or She belongs where His or Her grandparents once called home. A great many young and old with First People Blood yearn to return to their home of their ancestors and restore what was! Largely this is due in part to the never resting nature of the ancestral spirits and the Creators voice dwelling within each who has but just one drop of ancestral blood. They were here since the beginning and will always be. A parallel Society of First People Nations recognized with the same distinction as other countries scattered over our Mother Earth. Indigenous First People Nations with defined boundaries can share this land equally with what the Euro invaders have created and is now called the United States. While retaining the traditions of the past First People can very well assimilate progressively into being a modern productive society of First People Nations with dignity and respect. First People Aboriginal Indigenous to their Ancestral Homeland can practice their spiritual beliefs and sacred ways individually with respect to their origination. To be ruled by no other Nation other then their own. To implement a Armed Forces specific to their individual First People Nations in order to enable defending of their Nations from hostility, harm or invasion as they see fit. To make laws that are acceptable within their individual Nations. For now much is needed to help the Whole First People Descendants and those who are mixed and so choose the First People Path, their families and wherever among First People help is needed. You must be committed to demonstrate that you will become as one with Your Ancestors, Your Spirit and the Creator. To be in truth a First People blood descendant by your own choosing. To participate in councils and activities that encourage a reformation of all First Nations in the pursuit of First People Sovereignty. In my vision I have seen a First People Nations, Countries with its own distinction and contributing a more significant consideration over the preservation of Mother Earth and with greater respect to each other as Brother and Sister Relations. A Society within the First People Nations Countries excelling in all areas of Social Endeavors such as Scientists, Engineers, Artists, Musicians, Writers, Literary personage and the creation of an efficient and meaningful Classless Social Structure. A Society within the First People Nations Countries where its citizens are peaceable and congenial towards each other and their neighbors. Where dependency is less burdened by the mutual consideration towards each other. A First People Nation where Honesty and Principle are but one word Truth and this truth shall not be maligned or subdued to appeal to a self serving purpose. A First People Nations United and Secure with Malice toward no other Nations, but to sustain its Rightful Heritage with Honor and Dignity. THE FEAR FACTOR What great reason more outstanding then any other that brings fear to the Euro People and their descendants within the borders of this continent now called the United States of America It is the First People way that transcends from generation to generation. The absence or need of political gain or superiority. To stay astray from capitalism and capitalistic quagmire. To repel any attempt to undermine traditional teachings passed on to the generations. To respect all that Mother Earth brings forth. To see their enemy as being misguided and send prayer for the spirits to mend the torment that besieges the enemy. Or do they fear that perhaps first people will one day, utilize the learned skills from the past centuries to defeat the scourge that would diminish the first people race. The very essence that the First People live by principals that are reflective of their past, present and future and that First People are the least intimidating of all the other peoples of the world. Yet by this very description the Euros are greatly intimidated upon seeing this as a reflection reminiscent of themselves and and in a state of denial outwardly repel any consideration or notion of their responsibility in part regarding any atrocities, misdeeds or misgivings committed against the First People in the past or present. In these modern times the Euros are now making a departure from the land they illegally occupy and now look to the sky and say these words the universe is ours to discover It would do well to pay attention to the word our and its significance as to who is deemed as to qualify to be a rightful ownership to this unique gesture. First People Vision goes beyond that of Mother Earth and believe that all things are with purpose as intended by Creator. Therefore all things must be given the same respect as on Mother Earth. Lastly the Euro Citizens of the United States brazenly embrace the expression One nation under god. It is in truth a cowardly attempt to utilize a Sacred Deity Worshipped within segments of World Societies as a form of intimidation and a declaration as to being superior. First People believe we are all related. Through words or actions there must be a resolve that permits the rightful existence and entitlement of a First People Sovereignty on the Land of First People Ancestors . If words do not suffice then it must be done through actions devised and implemented in the First People Way. The Great Guilt If any person or people ever did something that despite the circumstances knew in their heart(s) that it was a wrong. But again under those particular circumstances executed that wrong action. Subsequent to that action at a given time afterwards looked back with regret and felt remiss and guilt. On the other hand felt to revive and attempt to undue the wrong was in of itself, a greater risk detrimental to preserving their present integrity and character. So by choice they opt to exist under the precept of a double standard in which they are in denial of a wrong deed but promote and institute the paragons of their wrong. This precisely is the underlying atmosphere within the precepts of the United States THERE IS NO LOOKING BACK - THERE IS NO WRONG - THERE IS NOTHING TO REGRET It is up to you the wronged to give the United States every reason to see that the wrong will not go away. In the memory of your ancestor, in the pursuit of human justice by defying deference to adversity it is an obligation to yourself and your people to retain and institute what rightfully belongs through a historical entitlement. It is a non negotiable responsibility to pursue the objectives of the First People Entitlement to return to the land of your Ancestor and build First People Nations in the First People way. Ancestor Spirits are Gathering from the Four Winds to await for this moment of Jubilation when All First People are in Agreement and the Circle is Complete. All of those with First People Ancestor Blood who feel the Spirit of their Ancestor dwell within, shall listen to the whispers and without shame take the path that is being directed. Take not the words that you have read to your heart but listen carefully to where they will lead. There is no going away but for coming back. The Winds have spoken, White Buffalo Spirit has returned and Eagles circle over land that once was Ancestor, I say no more of this matter The Heartbeat of the Mother Earth shall forever repeat these words. My sun is setting but I pray that your sun will rise in splendor. Urhzogg
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 20:37:50 +0000

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