One of my experiences with a random act of kindness: My father - TopicsExpress


One of my experiences with a random act of kindness: My father was in the hospital December of last year. We got there on the bus. After we got off the stop we went to get some snacks for the kids at the store right next to the hospital (a Stewarts). Crossing the parking lot on this wet, cold day was a man bundled up with a shopping cart with a sign that said Merry Christmas from a homeless man. I stopped for a second and thought of what my father instilled in me. The values he taught me. The last thing I could do for him and for myself at that hugely rough patch in my life was to remember my promise to my dad. Dont let the world turn you cold. This man reminded me of that. We were having fights in the family and everything seemed to be going wrong. I was just talking to my fiance about what was going on and what I should do, it was a whirlwind! I breathed some relief, as if it was a sign during all the bad to remember that. I bought that wonderful man 2 sandwiches from the store and chased him down. Boy was he fast for a seemingly old man! He was looking through the trash that was out. We gave him the sandwiches and he almost cried. I was just looking for something to eat. Thank you. We went in to visit my father, I knew somehow it would be my last time seeing him. I hope in so many ways I made him proud that I didnt forget. On the way back out to wait for the bus, I saw the man again resting on the benches. Many people passed him by without a second thought. I again went inside and bought him 2 coffees and some other goodies to last a little while. He thanked me again and stated thank you. Merry Christmas. All I could do was thank him. He looked a little confused. I said thank you for everything you have done for me today. You reminded me whats really important. We then waited for our bus and went home. My children asked me all kinds of questions. They were 6 and 4. That man did so much for my family and me. He allowed me the opportunity to teach my children and to put my heart back where it belonged in the first place. My story is of someone who knew. Its a bit long, yes. I have also done small things for people such as helped them with items at the store, held open doors for strangers, paid for someones groceries or gave them the last few cents for their order they were lacking. Alot of little things add up to alot of energy but its paid in something you cant put a price on, or sometimes into words. I would love to hear any of your stories. Anything you have done for someone. Whether they knew or not.
Posted on: Fri, 08 Nov 2013 18:38:49 +0000

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