One of my friends posted a link to an article - TopicsExpress


One of my friends posted a link to an article (youredm/2014/05/13/should-we-let-plur-die/) about how the PLUR seems to be dying and has lost its roots. She asked for others thoughts and this was mine. I figured its a story everyone can understand as they were probably in my same shoes once and it is Beyond related. Apologies ahead of time for how lengthy it is, but there is a point to it. Having only been listening to EDM since watching the stream of the 2nd weekend of Ultra Miami 2013, it has taken me a while to get into the whole scene. BW last year was my first EDM event of any kind. Initially I went to see some of the more famous djs I had been learning about over the previous few months. I basically spent the one day I went by myself as I only knew of 2 people going, but my phone had died before they showed up. I know that at one point I looked like I wasnt having a good time as one girl who was standing next to me turned and said Smile! . I did for a moment, but then it was back to how I was, enjoying the music, but still disappointed that I wasnt able to enjoy it all with anyone I knew. I was fortunate in the earlier months of this year to make one friend (call her friend A) who had been raving for a number of years. We went to a couple shows together and I met some of her friends. The second one being Finger Lickin (FL) SF back in June. It was there I saw random people forming groups and dancing together. That is where I learned what was and how to do the PLUR handshake to receive my first donated kandi (had no idea what that was either a year ago). It was the first time in I dont know how long I saw so many people just enjoying life together. Fast forward to this years BW. I have a new friend (friend B) who has never been to any electronic music event of any kind but got interested after I showed him video from last year and told him of how everyone there had good vibes, is friendly, etc. Those things that PLUR is supposed to represent. He shows up buying his ticket at the box office the day of. Our first stop of a kandi trade meetup with BunBun where I was told I would be given a special one since I only had the one piece. She also donated a single and a cuff to my newbie friend. After that we meetup and go find that friend A. Then we find some of the other people I hung out with at FL and its like a family reunion with hugs and smiles and they brought another friend to their first event (friend C). We randomly run into other people we met at FL and its the same again. I ran into a guy I had met at ESMs Heatwave in Sacramento to which I ended up going to alone. Us meeting up again was as he put it a really powerful energy. There was a very rough point during BW on Sunday when one of my friends got arrested at night. Twice after that within the next hour, our group did group hugs and there were words of encouragement and support shared. It really demonstrated how close and how supportive a group of even only 8 people can be. Long story short. While I may be considered a newbie to the scene as its only been a year, and coincidentally about the same year that it has exploded in popularity, everyone adapts different and needs that right introduction. If it wasnt for that first friend to welcome me to go see Paul Van Dyke with her and a couple friends, and convincing me to go to FL, I may not have been able to take that first step. If I hadnt gotten friend B interested about going he would not have a killer time! If the other friends hadnt brought friend C to her first event, to where she had a wonderful time because of each of us that were in the group she might not have gotten the right experience or taken that step. Each event Ive gone to Ive found more friends who are always welcoming with open arms. PLUR is definitely still alive. But as each niche concept/community/lifestyle becomes more mainstream there are gong to be those who need a helping hand into it, or understanding it. Those who dont want to know about or want to be a part, will find themselves ousted. Keep spreading the right vibe, and things will get better even if it is one person at a time! If you stuck through all of that, thanks for reading!
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 06:21:57 +0000

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