One of my long lasting memories from Benfieldside School involved - TopicsExpress


One of my long lasting memories from Benfieldside School involved a rope swing over the River Derwent at Shotley Bridge. This must have been about 1971 or 1972. I remember some of us used to go down there on afternoons after school and risk life and limb throwing ourselves out over the river in the hope that we actually made it back to the bank again. Missing your footing on the return usually meant you ended up dangling over the water until you lost your grip and fell in. Anyway one afternoon we went down there to find the swing had gone, someone had cut it down and taken the rope. I didnt have a clue who was responsible but that didnt stop me from threatening retribution. I was a big lad but my fighting skills were none existent. My sudden rush of bravado was clearly misplaced. Within a day or so the word went round that the swing had been taken by a lad called Podger Price from Shotley Bridge. Thanks to my so called mates, it wasnt long before he heard about my threats and the fight was on. Arrangements were made and all I had to do was turn up at the river at the appointed time and give him the thrashing I had promised. I have no idea what was going through my mind then but I had managed to talk myself into a position where I couldnt back down without loosing face. In truth I was as soft as s**t and twice as claggy. I would have had difficulty fighting my way out of a wet paper bag. The time and date arrived and I turned up at the river. I cant remember who else was there but I certainly recall Podger Price because he kicked the living day lights out of me. The bridge of my nose and face repeatedly made contact with his boots. I dont think I managed to get a punch in, it was all over in less than a minute. Just as well he stopped when he did or I would have bled all over him. Needless to say we never got the swing back and my father never believed my story about my injuries. (I told him I ran into a tree). As for me I decided there are times when thinking is more beneficial than talking and sometimes its best to say nowt!. After all a closed mouth gathers no foot :-)
Posted on: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 23:09:06 +0000

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