One of my theologian/pastor friends was puzzled at my spending s - TopicsExpress


One of my theologian/pastor friends was puzzled at my spending s much time in 2012 studying voodoo and even visiting West Africa to observe voodoo rituals performed at Churches as part of the worship services. Heres the reason why. If the prevailing paleoanthropological theory called OOA1/2 (Out of Africa) is correct, then all known religions of the world originated from this collection of religious practices. Current best knowledge: 6-7 million years ago: First Hominids appeared to have distinguished from other primates 200,000 years ago: Emergence of Homo sapiens in Africa 100,000 years ago: First wave of HS leave Africa and later encountered European H Neanderthals 50,000 years ago - arrival of Australian aboriginals 30,000 years ago, most HN wiped out and some of the blood entered the modern human bloodstream, their genome can now be detected genetically 15,000 years ago: Last human migration reached the tip pf South America 12,000 years ago: FIRST physical evidence of temple worship (Mesopotamia in Turkey) 8,000 years ago: Stonehenge, UK 5,000 years ago: writing began in Egypt and Mesopotamia (and possibly Indus Valley), alongside pre-Vedic Arya-Indo religions, the precursor of Mazdaism or modern Zoroastrianism & modern Hinduisms 4500 years ago: Oldest surviving religious text, Egypt 4000 years ago: Abram from Ur who would have written cuneiform 3500 years ago: Emergence of Vedic Hinduism & Moses of Egypt who would have written hieroglyphics 3000 years ago: Emergence of Yahwism 2500 years ago: Emergence of Judaism & Buddhism 2000 years ago: Emergence of Christianity 1500 years ago: Emergence of Islam Now why do I study Voodoos origins in West Africa? Go chew on this for a while before responding.
Posted on: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 08:36:56 +0000

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