One of our alum, originally known as Jill the Garage Beagle, - TopicsExpress


One of our alum, originally known as Jill the Garage Beagle, passed away from congestive heart failure on 12/27/14. Jill had been sorely neglected and kept in a garage by her initial owner for an estimated 6+ years, who thankfully turned her over to us. Shortly thereafter, Jill had the extreme fortune of being adopted by Sean Meigs and spent 3 1/2 happy years as is Jelly Bean, JB for short. This past holiday season, Sean was instrumental in holding a a very successful fundraiser to benefit FHBR in honor and memory of sweet JB, and would like to say the following about her in celebration of her life: JB was a wonderful girl who came into my life in May 2012, just after the recent passing of my beloved beagle Zoey. I was really interested in helping an older girl live out the rest of her life in a safe and loving home, and JBs story caught me perfectly. She was kept in a garage for a number of years of her life and the wonderful people at Forever Home were able to rescue her. JB was not without her quirks, and she struggled with a heart murmur and a degenerative disk issue in her back that, at one point, rendered her paralyzed in her back legs for about 2 months. During a vet visit, we were warned that she would likely never walk again, but JB had more fight and spirit in her than any dog Ive seen and eventually started fighting her way to not just standing, but walking, running, and playing like a dog half her age. The last 4-6 months were a struggle as her heart murmur had intensified and we knew that our time with her was likely limited, but she lived it out in the best way possible. Plenty of car rides, belly rubs, treats, and visits to the grandparents followed. JB eventually became very ill, unable to eat common dog food or move very well, so she feasted on chicken, hamburger, and other staples up until very shortly before she left us. Ill never forget how she smiled, how her ears went straight out when she would look at you, and the incredible excitement she showed whenever someone would be interested in playing or even walking through the door. Ive included a couple of pictures of our favorite moments with JB which showed her great personality and how fabulous of a dog she was - The time she spent this Labor Day at a family camp in Clarion, the only dog of our three that we took because we wanted her to have the spotlight all to herself. Her greatly enjoying a ride in the back of our van which is perfect for the dogs to ride comfortably (its hilarious to see how the other two dont seem to be quite as happy as JB), and lastly Jay resting quietly in her bed, comfortable in the fact that she was safe, loved, and cared for. Godspeed JB, we love you and I cant wait to see you at the Rainbow Bridge. Our endless thanks to Sean for his caring and support, as well as giving JB a wonderful life. ❤️
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 12:00:00 +0000

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