One of the American principles I bet we can all agree upon is the - TopicsExpress


One of the American principles I bet we can all agree upon is the notion of "fundamental fairness". To me, this means that I should expect to be treated exactly like the next person, most especially when it comes to my government. Fairness does not mean a guarantee of equitable outcome, but rather an equality of opportunity. All men are created equal and have certain unalienable rights - rights which CANNOT be taken away. So I ask you... is there fundamental fairness, an equality when WWII vets have to cross barricades under threat of arrest to visit an open air memorial to them and their fallen comrades while the AFL-CIO, SEIU, and La Raza are permitted to have a rally on the mall supported by hundreds of unpaid police and park rangers? In Ashville NC, along the Blue Ridge Parkway, the Blue Ridge Inn, a private business was forced to shutdown. Mind you the Blue Ridge Parkway is still open to traffic. So why? Yet, the Presidents Golf course remain open? In Philadelphia, the City Tavern, was ordered to close by government officials due to its proximity to Independence National Historic Park. Meanwhile the Congressional gym remains open (though I think they have to suffer and brink their own towels now)? In Nevada, Joyce and Ralph Spencer ages 77 & 80 were ordered out of their house on Lake Mead last week that they have owned since the 1970s by order of the national park service. Ordered from their HOME! Meanwhile, 60 minutes exposes 10s of Billions of dollars in fraud in disability claims - fraud and corruption... the one thing in Washignton our lords and ladies do rule over... and it is of their making! Lastly, and most shameful, the DoD has decided not to fund the military funerals of our fallen soldiers or the mercy flights to fly in gold ribbon families to receive the body of their sons and daughters (Maybe they will fix this pronto). Meanwhile, what the hell is VP Biden and John Kerry doing in India and Singapore that even rivals the importance of the above? Make no mistake... this is about teach Americans who is in power. And that our new Authoritarian masters are in charge. If we do not stand up to this now, it will only get harder to do later. You see... nudge always turns into push.... then push turns into shove... the shove turns into shoot. History has born this out repeatedly.
Posted on: Wed, 09 Oct 2013 17:23:27 +0000

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