One of the Oscar nominated films includes American Sniper, a - TopicsExpress


One of the Oscar nominated films includes American Sniper, a brutal justification of the murder of Iraqis at the hands of the American occupation of forces. Here US Anarchist Noam Chomsky highlights the muderous reality of both the film and the global US program of drone assassination of its opponents. Chomsky quotes the hero of American Sniper as saying in real life I hated the damn savages I’d been fighting. Savage, despicable, evil — that’s what we were fighting in Iraq. That’s why a lot of people, myself included, called the enemy savages. There was really no other way to describe what we encountered there. Chomsky points out t “He regarded his first kill as a terrorist — this woman who walked in the street — but we can’t really attribute that to the mentality of a psychopathic killer, because we’re all tarred by the same brush insofar as we tolerate or keep silent about official policy.” This Sunday sees the annual demonstration in Derry to commemorate the shooting dead of 14 civilians on Bloody Sunday at the hands of the British army. How would people in Ireland feel about a British Sniper portrayal of that massacre? We will be marching in Derry on Sunday and wed encourage you to join us. Workers Solidarity Movement (Ireland)
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 23:47:18 +0000

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