One of the advantages of age is getting a chance to see phrophecy - TopicsExpress


One of the advantages of age is getting a chance to see phrophecy come true. Allow me to take you to a Sunday morning at a Christian Church in 1978. The pastor would preach and his points might have been as listed below. 1) The coming persecution of Chistians 2) The rise of Pagan Religions 3) The coming of Plague 4) The World against Israel 5) The Mark of the Beast 6) The Abomination of Desolation Today we see Muslims Murdering Chistians around the World... The Media remains silent. In the United States Athiests intimidate and sue Christians for their beleifs... and the Government ASSISTS them in this act. Our Military men and women are told they may not practice the Christian faith...while Muslims are encouraged to practice theirs. How long until this persecution becomes more active in the USA? Pagan Satanism?... Wicca?.... How about Ebola...and the fools in the White House and in the World Health Organization? What about uncontrolled imigration across the border carrying Diseases ...unchecked? Remember 1/3 of the World to die of Plague in the end times. Ebola over a 70% mortality rate....and this nation flies people with this Plague into the United States ...and coninues to allow uncontrolled access to the border from countries with Ebola risks. Israel.... The Coward in the White House standing against Israels self defense. The UN condeming Israel...aiding terrorist to attack Israel. MicroChipping PEOPLE for identification to access Obamacare...... And today I saw a picture of Obama standing at the wailing wall. The abomination of desolation takes place in Solomons Temple....where the AntiChrist sacrifices on the Alter of the Most High. The Wailing Wall is part of what remains of Solomons Temple Is Obama the AntiChrist? I dont know. But I do know that if the AntiChrist were elected President of The United States.... his actions would not be much diffrent than the Actions of Obama. Indeed it appears we are like a frog being boiled alive. When one LOOKS at the contrasts.....I at least am amazed! The nay sayers in 1978 laughed and said these things would never come to be. Really? We now live with them daily. If an economist were able to predict coming economic events as well as our 1978 Preacher ...he would be considered a genius. Lol....yet the Preacher was laughed at by many. Given what is going on today...yeah I am betting on that Preacher having a perfect score. If I were not a Christian.....I would be worried. We will live to see these things come to pass. Christians...Stand up...We have NOTHING to fear.
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 18:09:38 +0000

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