One of the best privileges i have had, as a person, is to be near - TopicsExpress


One of the best privileges i have had, as a person, is to be near the mother to my grandmother! When i was young, i loved her Company and always was the man, seconded by my grandmother to take care of their needs. One day, she narrated to me a story, of what she told a couple facing issues in their marriage. She said marriages will definitely experience problems because were never allowed by Gods law, to marry our relatives! She continued When you marry someone from another background, you bring in a new person with different views and ideas and way of doing things. According to this woman of God, when you marry, be ready to be challenged, and the views you hold dear from your relatives who could understand you and support you will be challenged. Your relatives are the only people who will understand you. She went on to tell them how to handle their differences using this analogy. When youre eating and you bite your tongue, you will swallow some blood and the other blood you will spit it out. The point is, you have to tolerate each other’s faults by sometimes ignoring some minor issues that bring conflict and face major ones directly. According to our culture, it’s said you marry your enemy and never your relative. In Leviticus 18, God has disallowed dating relatives and those closely related to you. God’s plan though is that two people come from different background and be united to fulfill his purposes. The bible says two people will leave their parents and join together to become one. In light of the enemy theory as relating to marriage..., God intents us to love the enemies in our lives. The word continues “If your enemy is hungry, feed them. If they are thirsty, give them something to drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals of shame on their heads. “Don’t let evil conquer you, but conquer evil by doing good.(Romans 12:20-21) Saints of God, where do you see the application of this verse more if not in marriage. You may be having problems relating with one another but God expects you as a wife to wake up and cook for your spouse and family. You may not like your wife or her ideas but as a husband, God expects you to provide for her and love her regardless. If your marriage is working please thank God but if not working be aware, we’re commanded by the Lord to love our enemies as we love ourselves.Take care of the enemy in your life.There is a reward from heaven to you for your sacrifice when we reach there.God bless you
Posted on: Tue, 24 Jun 2014 05:49:30 +0000

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