One of the best quotes about religion EVER: Convictions are - TopicsExpress


One of the best quotes about religion EVER: Convictions are more enemies of truth than lies... Here the ways of men divide. If you wish to strive for happiness, then believe. If you wish to be a disciple of truth, then inquire. - Friedrich Nietzsche How apt is THAT! The third line is basically a rephrasing of ignorance is bliss, except made applicable to religion and how choosing to have blind faith (believe) is the path to easy happiness. Believers are as content as pigs in shit. Religion chases away fears and calms your sorrows. When disaster strikes, it was Gods Will... and we cant understand his mysterious ways, but they are for the best, so we should accept them without worry or sorrow and move along. And when someone dies, they got called home to the Lord... so theres happiness there that overcomes the sadness of losing them. But the fourth line shows the opposite: inquiry rather then belief... seeking truth rather than seeking happiness. Thats the hard road. Nietzsche was awesome. By the way... in case anyone forgot to read Revelation, you should be made aware that according to its accounting (and the outlines for salvation in the N.T.), many of the dead relatives you think if being in heaven actually wouldnt be in heaven... not according to the Bible. So which grandparents or cousins or uncles are burning in hell forever according to your religious beliefs? Which ones are paying an eternal price for mistakes made in a very short-term life? Does that sound like a loving God? One who makes ANY person have an eternity of everlasting torture for a few decades of not following the right religion... or for doing everything perfectly, but saying ONE sentence they shouldnt have? The one unforgivable sin listed in the Bible is blaspheming the holy spirit ... so a person could jokingly make a comment when they were young or lost, then get in church and think theyre saved and say and do everything perfectly and live the best xtian life ever... but still go to hell for saying one bad sentence. Does that make sense to you? Because thats what the Bible says will happen... Dont you find it odd that a supreme being would pass eternal judgment for a few words that were spoken on earth? Even if you repent, it wont work. According to the Bible, there can be no forgiveness for that sin. I truly dont understand how people can believe that! Okay... technically, most Christians actually dont even KNOW that. They have no clue that the Bible lists an unforgivable sin... which is sad, also! People willing to scream and fight and block people on FB and go to wars over their religion, but they dont even know the vast majority of what its Holy Book says! They dont even know that theres an unforgivable sin which makes it impossible to enter heaven!
Posted on: Sat, 19 Jul 2014 00:51:57 +0000

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