One of the biggest risks at anchor are other vessels. It is - TopicsExpress


One of the biggest risks at anchor are other vessels. It is amazing how few boaters know how to anchor properly of which the Italians are the worst. The Italian method of anchoring is to select a spot amidst all other boats, slam the drive astern, drop the pick, then drag the anchor along the floor, picking up all the other boats chains, till it holds - hopefully. This method does not allow time for the anchor to set but is very amusing to watch as all the boats follow the Italian across the anchorage ensnared by his pick- funny that is if your anchor chain too in not included in the resulting birds nest. Spanish sailors tend to be a lot better but at least are more considerate of your space. I had one incident recently when night stopping at La Manga in an anchorage surrounded by a steel retaining wall forming part of a new marina development. I noticed anther yacht, twenty eight foot sloop, arriving at about three am and after watching him trying to anchor twice unsuccessfully tried to get some sleep. The wind was gusting twenty five knots but the holding was fair, mud, and I was confident that we would not drag and be bashed against the rusty steel wall. Just as I was dozing off I heard the wooossh of a flare and bounding on deck realized that the Spaniard had anchored directly ahead of me and was about to collide after losing his engine and anchor. Using fenders we limited damage as I secured his vessel to Misty Too hoping my anchor would hold both of us. The Spaniard was totally exhausted at this stage and had given up all hope. My anchor held for about am hour before we both started drifting. I started the motor and was able the keep both boats, facing into the wind and off the wall as the wind gained in intensity. He could not speak English so with a lot of finger jesting we got him to phone the Coast Guard. The current status held for anther forty five minutes before they arrived. After his yacht was secured to the rescue vessel we were able to at last break free re-anchoring some distance away. Poor guy as the rescue boat then conked out and both of them landed up on the steel wall. Another hour past before a second rescue boat arrived for a simple rescue and they too messed around till eventually towing the yacht to a marina that the owner had been requesting all along. I gave him one of my spare anchors so I hope in future he is able to avoid a similar situation.
Posted on: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 12:04:40 +0000

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