One of the books Im reading right now, along with my Bible study - TopicsExpress


One of the books Im reading right now, along with my Bible study is Prayer and Providence by Homer Hailey. Anyone that knows me much, knows Im a praying wifey/momma/friend, and I believe Gods word when He says, the effectual, fervent prayer of a righteous man {not perfect one, but one thats striving to obey His word} availeth much. Im not very far into it, but I had to share these excellent and sound biblical quotes from the first chapter. To the believer prayer is a sacred privilege as well as an obligation. When he prays, solemn thoughts should fill his soul, for the finite creature is before the Infinite Creator, Ruler and Sustainer of the universe. He is before the Lord of heaven and earth, communing and talking with Him, seeking His fellowship, and casting his anxieties upon Him, believing that He cares for him. It is indeed a blessed favor bestowed upon us when the eternal God invites us to share a joyous fellowship and communion with Him; this is the glory of prayer. But prayer is no magic wand to be used to get us out of trouble of a difficult spot when all else fails. There is a rude awakening and disappointment ahead for the one who so considers it. Among those who believe that God is and that He hears and answers the petitions of His children, there are some who are prone to extremes in their concept of both. One extreme views prayer as asking for things and Gods response like that of Santa Claus answering a childs request for any bauble the fleshly heart desires. The opposite extreme views prayer as unnecessary since whatever is to be will be anyway. According to the latter view, the blessing or reward of prayer is simply the subjective influence it has upon ones mind. Prayer helps one overcome his present need and to feel better for having prayed. As is usually the case in extremes, neither is true. Those who object to prayer do so on the ground that it interrupts the process of nature; therefore, they either expect miracles to occur or anticipate events to happen without the intervention of prayer. But is it not true that the work of the world is done by natural forces under human guidance? If this is possible with man, surely it is possible for God, the creator of the universe and its forces, to operate through them. Prayer sets in motion the new force of Gods providence working in His world, not in violation of law but in harmony with the laws of His own creation. Pray without ceasing...Love you all!
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 20:12:14 +0000

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