One of the fairly unique things about America is the way people - TopicsExpress


One of the fairly unique things about America is the way people become wealthy. The liberal view is that in order to become wealthy someone steals something from another, but is that true? The liberals point to the 1% and proclaim that because of their behavior they have the right to steal from everyone else. The truth about wealth in America is that it is generally created not stolen. Someone has an idea about a product or service and takes the first step. Generally it is not earth shaking something like starting a gardening service or opening a bike shop or any one of thousands of opportunities which exist in a capitalist society. It’s true that most first attempts fail due to lack of business experience but those who persist usually attain a degree of success. Those who are minor successes are generally tolerated by the liberal community but those who are phenomenal successes are quickly excommunicated as “the evil rich”. It generally doesn’t occur to those looking from the outside that these entities employ large numbers of the population and pay the vast majority of the taxes. It is central to the liberal mentality to believe that these businesses have “stolen” their success from someone else. My liberal friends tell me that, in their opinion, it is not that difficult to create and grow a successful business, they of course have never done it but know because they have studied the process (Like studying skydiving from the ground). The days of liberal leaders like JFK “we are going to send a man to the moon and return him safely to earth” are long gone. Instead we have people like Elizabeth Warren who successfully sell defeatism and blame. It sells well but is it the truth? I watched a clip of Elizabeth Warren saying that products from a manufacturer are sent to market using highways paid for by the rest of us”. She knows that’s not true since 50% of the population pay no taxes and 10% pay nearly 80%. The bulk of the highway system is paid for by the wealthy and businesses. But everyone uses the highways whether or not they help pay. Ms. Warren knows that what she is saying regarding who pays the bill is false but she correctly assumes that enough people will agree to get her elected. She provides her followers with an excuse “the deck is stacked against you”. As you spend a day in your community and deal with your barber, doctor, gardener, food market, car dealer be sure to stop and ask them from whom did they steal their money. Personal success or failure is incumbent upon the individual not a political or religious belief and certainly not a government. My young gardener (he has recently hired two new employees) asked me how you become successful in business. You already are” I replied, “it just takes a while for the rewards to catch up to you.” For some reason the current liberal belief is that these rewards belong to them.
Posted on: Sun, 06 Jul 2014 14:38:47 +0000

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