One of the great developments in our collective history is that - TopicsExpress


One of the great developments in our collective history is that with the western enlightenment and the rise of modernity that ushered in the scientific-rational worldview, the first genuinely worldcentric culture and the industrial revolution, the value spheres of religion, ethics and science were no longer fused under the dictatorship of aggressive, patriarchal, ethnocentric religion. Scientific investigation of reality was able to take off without people being burnt at the stake, and the Copernican revolution was able to bring a whole new level to our understanding of our place in the cosmos. The pathology of this evolutionary transition, however, was that the scientific-modern domain didn’t just differentiate these different spheres. Rather, it dissociated them so that it became the big power player and spirituality and ethics were dropped to the sidelines. Because of this, as Laurence Brahm points out in this next video in our series below where he discusses the situation of economics in China, our economic and scientific fields have often lost the sense of the sacred and of ethics. As we continue to move forward together, it is vital that those of us who’s hearts, minds and bodies know the touch of the sacred – of Source by whatever name – and who deeply care about humanity’s ethical participation in the beautiful ecosystem of this planet, offer their passion around this to the collective table. There, it can find its place alongside the sciences and the economic system to inform and be informed by them. Thus, hopefully, can we develop an economic system pervaded by a sense of the sacred and what it means to serve all beings to thrive and create from their unique emanation of Source. At this crucial time in history, everybody’s unique emanation of Source is invited to the collective table, where from their synergy, whole new worlds can be created. All comments and insights welcome. Love. https://youtube/watch?v=SntP4M1hE5g&
Posted on: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 18:33:41 +0000

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