One of the great tricks perpetuated in American history has been - TopicsExpress


One of the great tricks perpetuated in American history has been to convince poor or lower middle-class white folks(and some blacks and latinos) that the reason that they are in their current situation is because of lazy people or immigrants or inner city/urban folks. It has been worked masterfully for generations. They even convince a few negroes to buy in(!). See: Clarence Thomas, Allen West, et al. Paul Ryan stepped in it and inadvertently exposed the lie when he blamed inner-city men for poverty in America. The problem, of course, is that the majority of poor people dont live in inner cities, they live in rural areas in which there are few, if any, people of color in them. Needless to say, Ryan wont refer to poverty among those folks because the Rights entire long-running political strategy would then be totally undermined. So, they pander to these folks(who are right to be angry, btw) and incorrectly lay blame. Its stunning to me that the Right is still able to get away with it so effortlessly and with no trace of irony even after the oligarchs and their apologists wrecked the entire economy just 5 years ago...Yes, I know its an old idea, but if we could just convince poor and lower middle class white folks(and some wealthier black/brown folks) that they have more in common(politically, economically) with poor and lower middle class black/brown folks, man the jig would be up...
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 18:26:24 +0000

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