One of the greatest blessings from the lord is to be permanently - TopicsExpress


One of the greatest blessings from the lord is to be permanently joined to someone who has commited theyre entire life to serving christ hand in hand with you... Everyday since the day i met my Wife i have been praising the Lord and thanking him for her life and our friendship. To be equally yoked under God is a necessity for his purpose of biblical marriage...i will never forget the day that God told me plain as day and said...She is your Wife and whom i have personally prepared for you On that day i was shaken to my core as a mere man. That day according to what God spoke to me about her, i knew i wasnt a baby christian anymore. I became a Son because a Godly wife and a biblical marriage is not for nonbelievers, little boys, or children and i knew this. That day i accepted an absolute instruction from God saying marry and take my precious daughter as your wife and family and lay down your entire life for be honest the weight of this brought me down to my knees...and i cried like a baby. Up until that point, i have to say that it was the second time i had heard that clearly from the Lord. Except this time he spoke to me as a son instead of a child. Sending me out, instead of calling me in...with the spiritual milk he will draw in and nurture you and when of age with the meat of his purpose he sends you out on your journey...amen Everyday as her husband is a privilege and she is truly the work of the Lords hands. Everyday the bond is more tightly knitted and i am learning and growing together with her. I am blessed by her very existence. Her worth to me is yes lower than God but far above this world Hallelujah! She is my number 2, my helpmate, and my beautiful Virtuous Wife. So now i read (proverbs 31) and instead of saying, yeah right Lord, who can find such a woman??? I can now testify and I firmly and whole heartedly say, thank you Lord...for you have given your disciple more than he has deserved and his cup is over flowing with praise and Joy....:) Rachel Gallien thank you for allowing Jesus Christ to be your Lord and savior and thank you for receiving me as your provider, protector And the (Head) of our household and family under Gods authority...its an honor to lay down the rest of my life for you and family. I love you...:)
Posted on: Thu, 25 Sep 2014 23:04:17 +0000

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