One of the greatest obstacles of coming from what I call the - TopicsExpress


One of the greatest obstacles of coming from what I call the approximately 15.6% of the 99% (yknow that other percentage that live in poverty which is further complicated by the fact that every single person you are supposed to go to for advice concerning the culture of a country they deem as foreign) is having to compensate for their insecurities, reinforce their confidence, and basically play the role of the parent. At 32, its really not so bad. But for those younger kids who are between the ages of 13-20, the pressure of such responsibility and the blatant disregard for the development of someone so young will always cause some form of damage. Granted, one learns so much and builds the necessary communicative, language translative, and societal skills to succeed in the world. But at such a young age, you also sacrifice and miss so much. I consider myself Anti-American, not because I hate America, but because I have been placed in a position which categorizes me as alien, even though I was born here. Ill be successful and more than likely gain monetary gain, but I dont know what its like to graduate high school, go to a prom, or any other typical experience that I could relate to in terms of being brought up as a teenager. However, at 17, I knew how to fire an M16 rifle, a baretta 9mm, learned to choke hold someone using nunchucks, and independently learned how to use a combat field knife (I dont practice any of these things anymore, but I know how). Well, in my mind I live with the fact that my country deemed me old enough to die for it, yet not significant enough to even vote. Not bitter here. Just thought I would share. There is definitely something wrong with this country, when the poverty stricken are systematically manipulated into armed service through socio-economic pressure and discrimination. Ill admit, I looked at that recruiting office at 16 and so my only escape from hell. I will regret that feeling and that day for the rest of my life. I wish I had someone to warn me. But, everything happens for a reason. AND ONCE YOU LEARN THAT REASON AND THE METHODS CONSTRUCTED BOTH POLITICALLY AND SOCIOECONOMICALLY, one is able to have the ability to truly perpetuate reform; because you figure out what makes your country ugly, desolate, disgustingly biased, and wrong.
Posted on: Mon, 25 Nov 2013 17:45:57 +0000

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