One of the greatest thing every human being yearn and desire is - TopicsExpress


One of the greatest thing every human being yearn and desire is social identification and association everyone is craving for a place to belong and feel among the number, every one want to be accepted. Though it is important we belong somewhere but it is also important that we know where we belong and those we associate with, the reason is this wither good or bad every association has an impact ,it has an influences on our lives because; who you associate with determine what associate with you in life, who you follow determine what follows you, where you belong determine what belongs to you in life. Remember iron sharpeneth iron- so shall a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend. It takes a man who knows where he is going in life to identify those who are going or who have gone in that direction and follow them. Come and be part of our team if it has any thing to do with your vision and direction in life: POTENTIAL REAL ESTATE INVESTORS NETWORK for more detail visit nigeriapropertygate.blogspot
Posted on: Mon, 16 Sep 2013 15:40:34 +0000

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