One of the guests on Hannity tonight called America a "free" - TopicsExpress


One of the guests on Hannity tonight called America a "free" country. When you hear that, please correct people - since Bush/Obama we are a "less free country." AUTHORITARIAN AMERICA Obama’s Shocking First Term Civil Liberties Record – How He Turned A Free Country Into A Police State Read the full text above – summary of President Obama’s Shocking Civil Liberties Record Below. 1.warrantless surveillance 2. indefinite detention 3. assassinating American Citizens 4. Embracing NSA Spy Program 5. Embracing Spying On Citizens Without Judicial Review 6. Spying on Military Veterans 7. Labeling Government Opponents Political Extremists 8. Veto threat of bill informing lawmakers of covert CIA Activities 9. Allowing Plans for Interment and Resettlement of Citizens 10. Body Scanners that cause cancer in 6 out of 100 people 11. Degrading treatment of Bradley Manning 12. Extended Three Provisions of Patriot Act Authorizing Aggressive Surveillance 13. Over 50,000 Raids on Citizens’ Homes 14. Allowing FBI To Surveill Citizens Without Suspicion of Wrongdoing 15. NDAA allowing indefinite detention with just the suspicion of terrorism 16. FAA Reauthorization Act Putting Armed Surveillance Drones in American Skies 17. Signing Anti-Protest Trespass Bill into Law 18. Killing Civilians in Drone Strikes 19. Urging Supreme Court to allow citizens arrested and processed at a jail house to be stripped searched even for minor traffic offenses without reasonable suspicion of carrying a weapon or contraband The above is a partial summary of details you can find in John Whitehead’s article. “The ordinary man with extraordinary power is the chief danger for mankind - not the fiend or the sadist.” Erich Fromm
Posted on: Tue, 25 Jun 2013 04:36:49 +0000

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