One of the key US men in Syria, the Free Syrian Army (FSA) Col. - TopicsExpress


One of the key US men in Syria, the Free Syrian Army (FSA) Col. Abdel Jabbar al-Okaidi, openly supported by the US, had to this about the relation between the Free Syrian Army, the supposed moderates in Washingtons newspeak, and the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, the main reincarnation of al Qaeda: Our relationship with the ISIS is good. My relationship with the BROTHERS in the ISIS [ = al Qaeda] is good. ... Of course, I communicate almost daily with brothers in ISIS ... when we sit down together with their leaders, they dont have this [fundamentalist] ideology. And the relationship is good, EVEN BROTHERLY. And it is normal for ISIS to make [some] mistakes ... whoever works makes mistakes. In the following segment from early August of 2013 at the base of the Menagh military base standing shoulder to shoulder with ISIS/al Qaeda, Jabbar is also praising a victory in Khan al-Assal, where the FSA/al Nusra first carried a chemical attack and then, when UN investigators were just to arrive there, they dashed to capture it and, as a result, then executed around 50 Syrian prisoners of war who were captured there. Jabbar does indeed call the ISIS commander standing next to him as our brother who then makes it clear that the fighting at the base was done by ISIS. ISIS militants then praise Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the head of ISIS (released by the US from detention in Iraq in 2009) and shouts: The Islamic State [IS/ISIS] is here to stay! Another ISIS/al Qaeda militant repeats his call for genocide to the Alawites: I swear to Allah, Alawites, we came to slaughter you! In the next segment, Jabbar also goes on record saying that al Nusra, the other branch set up by al Qaeda or Iraq and then ISIS to become later the official al Qaeda in Syria, is part of the US-supported Free Syrian Army. A journalist asks directly Jabbar why al Nusra was put on the list of terrorist organizations (by the UN Security Council back in December of 2012). Jabbar says that he has no clue why it is so. But he admits that they are part of the Free Syrian Army which he represents. As Jabbar claims, he had seen nothing but good morals and brave and heroic fighting on the part of this al Qaeda army. According to Jabbar, al Nusra/al Qaeda did not exhibit any abnormal behavior that would be different from that of the Free Syrian Army--the supposed moderates among whom Jabbar himself is including them. Al Nusra/al Qaeda are just like the rest of the Free Syrian Army. https://youtube/watch?v=piN_MNSis1E
Posted on: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 21:33:59 +0000

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