One of the magical experiences of cross country running is seeing - TopicsExpress


One of the magical experiences of cross country running is seeing all the teams with their tents and flags flying. It is truly a sight to see. I have been racing myself into shape this year and the last obstacle race I was at those memories of high school and college came back to me. I saw tents with teams dressed in uniform and their team flags flying. Many people dont realize how much of team sport running actually is. So...why am I rambling on about such fond memories?? Well, we definitely love our teams, so much so we have a separate monitor scrolling just team times. So this year I have decided to make this even more of a festive event and more about you the participant. I am allowing any team with ten or more people to set up a tent at the festival. We will have a teams only section. You will have to bring your own tent and the max size will be 10x10. Any super large teams I will talk to you about a larger tent. Team captains that already have 10 or more, expect an email coming in the next week. Remember teams can be any size, 5 gets you officially timed, 10 allows you to set up a team tent. We currently have 59 teams with 18 being officially timed and 6 allowed to set up team tent. Our 6 teams that qualify thus far are: Crazy Mudder Muckers Humana Gym Rats OC Misfits Rad runners Water-Frontin Yum and NTT Vipers I cant wait to see the tents, uniforms, flags, and team spirit! Your Event Director, -John-
Posted on: Thu, 15 May 2014 20:30:00 +0000

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