One of the many reasons I love Faith Promise Church..I can wear my - TopicsExpress


One of the many reasons I love Faith Promise Church..I can wear my Iron Man t-shirt & jeans and no one cares 😊. If I want to dress up thats cool, if not thats fine too. They are going to love me regardless of how I look and I always leave feeling loved. This may not be an issue for most but guess what for someone who already has anxiety issues it can be a big deal. Remember, you never know what someone is struggling with. So the next time you get the urge to talk about someones hair or outfit in church or just out in public, think about whether or not your words are causing harm, what if they hear you, how will it affect them, and yes Im guilty of this myself but Im working on it. I decided I want every person to feel as if they are loved and important when they are not only in my presence but when they leave my company. See I never stopped believing in God but His people had made me feel so bad about myself that I couldnt go into a church without feeling judged, whether it was real or not, I had experienced it over & over for so many years thats what I felt in every church I went to. Until God, working through my good friend Alisa, sent me to Faith Promise that is. It was different there, I dont even get anxiety attacks there which is amazing because that place is huge and has sooo many people lol. I still have to make myself focus but God is working on me and I love it! Its all about loving each other, the way that God loves us. Thats what Im trying to achieve. I fall short daily but I never want to be the reason someone decided not to come back to church or gave up on there dreams or life. Id rather someone say because of God & your encouragement, I didnt quit! God is patient with me daily so we must be patient with each other. We are all we have on this earth and He wants us to love and support each other just as He loves and takes care of us. Ok Im done lol. I said all that to say this..I love my church lol. Im going to watch service online now because I was actually taking a class while mommy and Man were in service this morning. I welcome you all to join me ☺
Posted on: Mon, 30 Jun 2014 01:20:34 +0000

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