One of the monumental fraud GEJ presided over was the scam in the - TopicsExpress


One of the monumental fraud GEJ presided over was the scam in the downstream sector of petroleum industry in Nigeria. Specifically the fraud in oil importation uncovered, till today nothing has been done to the culprits. When I say Jonathan is presiding over a government milking Nigeria dry, this one classic example. These oil importers are friends of GEJ, ministry of petroleum and finance, and NNPC. These importers got cheap foreign exchange rate from CBN, went ahead and purchased petroleum products, and diverted the oil to West Africa sub-region where petroleum products are sold at profit, at times 2 to 3 of what they are sold for in Nigeria. These crooks then came to Nigerian government to collect subsidy on the claim that they have imported petroleum, and up to 1.8 trillion naira (about 1/3 of Nigerias budget in a year) was paid to a few people for doing nothing. This is wickedness of the highest order. These crooks made profit three ways - low rate from foreign exchange (when the rest of Nigeria was buying dollars at N155, they bought at far less rate), they made profit selling these products to other West African countries; and they made fraudulently made money from subsidy collected from tax payers money on oil they never imported. Worst still, nobody has been brought to book till today. Is this the kind of government that we want to perpetuate in office in Nigeria. These people do not care about anybody other than themselves. We need a change at the center to bring sanity to every sector of Nigerian state - use your power to effect the change that we need fellow Nigerians. Let your voice be heard by your vote in February of 2015.
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 17:23:25 +0000

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