One of the most comforting and heart warming things to come home - TopicsExpress


One of the most comforting and heart warming things to come home to is the scent of freshly baked bread! Who doesnt enjoy warm, soft and delicious rolls with their meals? It;s what home is all about! I remember going to play with my cousins up the road and the house always had wafting smells of chocolate or pound cake, sometimes with a hint of lemon! Divine! Such great memories! That is the thing about food - it creates wonderful memories of home and of childhood. Anyhow, back to bread. As you might remember I baked some bread the other day and it was enjoyed by everyone. Barely got to the table, as you never make enough! Here is the recipe: You will need: 500 grms white flour 250 grms wholemeal flour 250 grms spelt flour 1 tsp good quality salt 1 tsp honey 1.5 sachets of yeast (each one is 7 grms) 1 glass warm water 3/4 full 1.5 tbsp extra virgin olive oil Another glass made up of 50% water and 50% milk + extra milk Black olives deboned and chopped 5 sundried tomatoes, chopped Freshly chopped rosemary or thyme Fleur de sel (optional) Buttered deep muffin pan x 12 Take the warm glass of water and put the honey and yeast in it. Stir to make sure it is mixed and place to the side. Next put the flours into a large bowl with the salt and take a hand whisk and give it a quick mix. Now pour the oil into the flour together with the olives, sundried tomatoes and herb and take a look at the glass with the yeast. It should be frothing. Pour it into the flour and start to bring it together, add the glass of water and milk and knead. It will probably still need more liquid, so add some of the extra milk a little at a time. Knead all the time so that you do not add too much milk and till you get a dough which is soft but not gooey. Once the dough is elastic but soft, give it a good knead for around 4 minutes. Place it in a bowl in a draught free and warm corner. Cover and leave to double in size. Once doubled, knead again and cut into 12 pieces which should come up half way in the pan and leave to double again. Brush with milk and add a small dusting of Fleur de sel on top. Fleur de sel is salt which looks like flakes. Enjoy!
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 15:50:00 +0000

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