One of the most controversial topics in and around the - TopicsExpress


One of the most controversial topics in and around the Chiropractic community is whether or not vaccine related discussions should take place. Some believe that they have no place in any Chiropractic dialogue and others believe that people in their community have the right to pertinent information regarding the vaccination decision. In my 28 years of doing public lectures, it is an issue that I have often faced and I thought I would share a few thoughts on the subject. First of all, a persons choice to either stay silent on the subject or provide information on the subject should be just that--a personal decision and no one should be looked down upon because of that decision. But for those who chose to educate and provide information--let me offer some thoughts and advice. 1. Do not take the stance (real or perceived) as being an ANTI-VACCINE crusader. This rarely is effective and often serves to turn people off--including people who might have an interest in knowing more (and there is a huge and growing number of people who are rethinking this and are looking for more information) Being Anti anything---even against something that is universally considered bad or negative rarely produces any positive effect. It is not your job to pronounce judgment or condemn a practice, because when you start with that--as your battle cry, you IMMEDIATELY label anyone who might initially feel differently, to automatically oppose you. Instead its far more productive to focus on the positive, focus on the facts and let people come to their own conclusions 2. The very best way to do this is to teach your patients and people in your community about how the immune system is designed to work--how it develops, how the nervous system controls and interacts with the immune system, the birth process, crawling and immune system organ development, the role of symptoms in immune system development and the effect that vertebral subluxations has on this development and functioning process. Once people get this---they will often be able to make a quality decision about things outside of the scope of Chiropractic such as vaccines and antibiotics. (FWIW, though antibiotics have a place and a purpose, I believe they do as much if not more harm to the immune system than vaccines---just an observational opinion) I have been asked to speak at vaccine type conferences for the public and after listening to speaker and after speaker rant and rave about the dangers of vaccines--I get up and simply talk immune system function---never once do I mention vaccines, but when I am done, I cannot tell you how many folks will tell me afterwards--that it was that info which was the primary factor in making a vaccine decision, Here are some helpful links and resources: STRENGTHENING YOUR CHILDS IMMUNE SYSTEM https://vimeo/84270612 3. Most of the opponents of vaccines tend to focus on the dangers of vaccines the side effects, the adverse reactions, the autism, the damaging ingredients they contain…..Folks, that is NOT THE ISSUE. If you end up actually talking (even if its just privately with your own family) about vaccines, the issue to focus on is NOT the reactions (though they exist) but rather focus on the following issue Can it be demonstrated that vaccines confer immunity that is equal to or superior to immunity derived from natural exposure THAT IS THE PRIMARY ISSUE and it’s a much easier dialogue to have with people, because its easier to demonstrate. When you start the debate with adverse reactions, you automatically make the ENTIRE ISSUE a risk/benefit issue, and that is a debate you will lose every single time. Remember, that one thing we have learned is that simply altering the natural physiology of the body may temporarily give the appearance of resolution of disease, but may actually create more problems in the end. Virtually all studies of effectiveness of vaccines are based on statistical data and the presence or absence of disease. There have never been any medical studies that have been performed that clearly demonstrate that vaccines increase the immune system competence of the human body, nor has there been any medical study on the long-term effects of vaccines. More resources that cover this in depth, a video and a health research report. NATURAL IMMUNITY VS SYNTHETIC IMMUNITY https://vimeo/70456399 CHALLENGING THE THEORY OF ARTIFICIAL IMMUNITY 4. Always educate with the intent to help the person to a path of self-discovery where they can make their own decision. When they come to their OWN decision it tends to be a far better and more lasting decision than if they were talked into it by someone else. 5. NEVER make a comparison between Chiropractic and Vaccines--ie, rather than vaccine, boost your immune system with Chiropractic----when you say something like this ( and I have heard this a lot especially when talking about FLU SHOTS) what you are really saying is that vaccines boost the immune system, but Chiropractic does it better and its natural.----leave Chiropractic out of it. The only common link between the two is the immune system physiology. hope this was of some benefit. Keith keithwassung
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 15:02:05 +0000

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