One of the most fascinating things I have learned from my study - TopicsExpress


One of the most fascinating things I have learned from my study and along my journey of personal growth is that the human personality is made of many parts. While it was once believed that a human has one fixed personality, in psychology today it is well acknowledged that we are all in fact made up of many different parts or sub-personalities - each with its own thoughts, memories, beliefs, talents and emotions. Heres one example to illustrate this. At times, when trying to make a decision about something, we realize one part of me wants to go but another part of me doesnt...hmmmm... This is because we are made up of different parts! Each part his its own desires, thoughts and feelings about things! Another example to illustrate this is when we notice ourselves behaving quite differently around different people. Here again we see that different parts of our personalities come to the forefront depending on the circumstances presented in our lives. Of course some parts of our personalities can be somewhat troublesome at times. For instance a person may have a comfort eating part that cant stop eating chocolate (I became very familiar with this part of myself over Christmas!). Another person may have a highly critical part that constantly puts them down, undermining their self-confidence and making them feel bad. Ultimately all of our parts want the best for us. They are often trying to protect us in some way. Unfortunately most of the time they end up causing the very thing they are trying to protect us from! By getting to know all parts of our personalities we can understand them better and achieve more harmony in our inner and outer lives. We can even transform certain parts of our personalities so they perform healthier roles that serve us much better. One part of my personality that Ive recently discovered and have started to work on is a very angry part. At times my angry part feels a bit like Denzel Washington in this clip from Training Day! When this angry part shows up it can be overwhelming and cause me to behave impulsively - needless to say this can have a disastrous effect. By getting to know this angry part I am understanding that its really just trying to protect an inner child part of me. By healing this inner child part, the angry part no longer feels the need to be so angry and act so impulsively. I can now begin the work of transforming it into a healthier role which serves me better. All this probably sounds a bit bizarre. Its normal for a skeptical part of our personalities to emerge when we hear about such foreign notions. But trust me, this is real. By getting to know all parts of our personalities we can create more harmony in our inner systems which not only transforms our mental and emotional well-being, but also skyrockets our ability to live a life of purpose that we love. Thanks for reading. Enjoy the video! Conor
Posted on: Wed, 07 Jan 2015 19:05:57 +0000

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