One of the most important reasons for the great equilibrium in the - TopicsExpress


One of the most important reasons for the great equilibrium in the universe is the fact that celestial bodies follow specific paths. Stars, planets and satellites all rotate around their own axes and also rotate together with the system of which they are a part. The universe functions within a finely-tuned order, just like the wheels in a factory. All these celestial bodies follow the most finely calculated paths and orbits. For millions of years, each one has been moving in its own path in flawless harmony with all the others. The verse which reads [I swear] by Heaven with its cyclical systems, (Quran, 86:11) indicates this truth. Naturally, at the time when the Quran was revealed, people had no telescopes with which to study bodies millions of kilometres away in space, advanced observation technology or our modern knowledge of physics and astronomy. It was therefore impossible to establish that space had its oscillating orbits, (Quran, 51:7) as described in the verse. The Quran however, revealed at that time, provided clear information concerning that fact. This is proof that this book is indeed Allahs word. THE SUNS TRAJECTORY It is stressed in the Quran that the Sun and Moon follow specific trajectories: It is He Who created night and day and the Sun and Moon, each one swimming in a sphere. (Quran, 21:33) The word swim in the above verse is expressed in Arabic by the word sabaha and is used to describe the movement of the Sun in space. The word means that the Sun does not move randomly through space but that it rotates around its axis and follows a course as it does so. The fact that the Sun is not fixed in position but rather follows a specific trajectory is also stated in another verse: And the Sun runs to its resting place. That is the decree of the Almighty, the All-Knowing. (Quran, 36:38) These facts set out in the Quran were only discovered by means of astronomical advances in our own time. According to astronomers calculations, the Sun moves along a path known as the Solar Apex in the path of the star Vega at an incredible speed of 720,000 kmph (447,000 mph). In rough terms, this shows that the Sun traverses some 17.28 million km (10.74 million miles) a day. As well as the Sun itself, all the planets and satellites within its gravitational field also travel the same distance.
Posted on: Mon, 25 Nov 2013 06:54:29 +0000

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